Page 81 - The British Big Four
P. 81

harles Vane worked to organize resist-   the islands, Rogers worked to improve the       sau Rackham became involved with Anne
                                               defenses of Nassau. He lost nearly 100 men      Bonny; he tried to arrange an annulment
C ance to the anticipated arrival of Royal     of the new forces due to an unidentified        of her marriage to another ex-pirate, James
                                               disease, and the Navy ships left for other as-  Bonny. Rogers blocked the annulment, and
authority, even appealing to the James Fran-   signments. Rogers sent four of his ships to     Rackham and Bonny left Nassau to be pi-
cis Edward Stuart, the Stuart pretender, for   Havana to assure the Spanish governor that      rates again, taking a small crew and Bonny’s
aid in holding the Bahamas and capturing       he was suppressing piracy and to trade for      friend Mary Read with them. Within months,
Bermuda for the Stuarts. As aid from the       supplies. The crews of ex-pirates and men       Rackham, Bonny and Read were captured
Stuarts failed to materialize and the date     who had come with Rogers all turned to pi-      and taken to Jamaica. They were convicted
for Rogers’ arrival approached, Vane and his   racy. The ex-pirate Benjamin Hornigold later    of piracy, and Rackham was executed. Bonny
crew prepared to leave Nassau.                 caught ten men at Green Turtle Cay as part      and Read were sent to prison, as both were
                                               of Rogers’ suppression effort. Eight were       pregnant and therefore excluded from ex-
W oodes Rogers arrived in Nassau in late       found guilty and hanged in front of the fort.   ecution. Read died in prison, while Bonny’s
         July 1718, with his own 460-ton war-                                                  fate is unknown.
ship, three ships belonging to his company,    V ane attacked several small settlements
and an escort of three ships of the Royal            in the Bahamas but, after he refused      W hen Britain and Spain went to war
Navy. Vane’s ship was trapped in Nassau        to attack a stronger French frigate, he was              again in 1719, many of the ex-pirates
harbor. His crew set that ship on fire, send-  deposed for cowardice and replaced as cap-      were commissioned by the British govern-
ing it towards Rogers’ ships, and escaped      tain by “Calico Jack” Rackham. Vane never       ment as privateers. A Spanish invasion fleet
in the ensuing confusion in a smaller ship     returned to the Bahamas; he was eventually      set out for the Bahamas, but was diverted to
they had seized from another pirate. The re-   caught, convicted and executed in Jamaica.      Pensacola, Florida when it was seized by the
maining population welcomed Rogers; they       After nearly being captured by Jamaican         French. Rogers continued to improve the
comprised about 200 settlers and 500 to        privateers, and hearing that the king had       defenses of Nassau, spending his personal
700 pirates who wanted to receive pardons.     extended the deadline for pardons for pi-       fortune and going heavily into debt to do so.
Rogers controlled Nassau, but Charles Vane     racy, Rackham and his crew returned to Nas-
was loose and threatening to drive the gov-    sau to surrender to Woodes Rogers. In Nas-
ernor and his forces out. Learning that the
King of Spain wanted to expel English from
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