Page 86 - The British Big Four
P. 86

he Abaco Wild Horse Preserve - This is-  perienced divers, but some areas can be ac- still evident. Diving in the caves is permit-

T land refuge near Treasure Cay is home        cessed on shore. You can also hike through ted in specified areas only and must be ar-

to descendants of horses Christopher Co-       the pine forests and over the tidal creek to ranged and coordinated with UNEXSO.
lumbus’ team brought to the Bahamas and
are thought to be the purest strain of Span-   Gold Rock Beach - a serene place to enjoy
ish Barbs found today. Call to make a reser-   Gthe sun and sea. Come and experience one
vation for a private tour of the island. Just                                                   rand Bahama hike - Your Grand Bahama
minutes from downtown Nassau, the park         of Grand Bahama’s truly wonderful and ex-        hike concludes at the last of the six
stretches 2.2 hectares/5.5 acres and is part
jungle and part gardens. It houses hundreds    citing tours. Your destination is the Lucay- zones, a beautiful coast known as Gold Rock
of mammals, birds and reptiles from around
the world. Here, you’ll be able to interact    an National Park. This 42 acre park has six Beach. Here you will have time to take in this
with Bahamian wildlife as well as some en-
dangered species.                              ecosystems in very close proximity and two beautiful location, swim if you like. Your ad-

F ort Charlotte History Tour - Perfect for     caves. Your adventure begins when your venture continues to Banana Bay Restaurant,
     history buffs, Fort Charlotte dates back
to the 1780s and boasts hidden passage-        certified guide conveys the rich history of where you will dine at a local restaurant, and
ways, cannons, a large moat and dungeons.
This is a walk back into Bahamian military     our country during the drive to Lucayan Na- enjoy another beautiful beach.
                                               tional Park. The caves at Lucayan National
L ucayan National Park - This 16.2 hec-        PPark are part of an immense underwater
     tare/40.0 acre national park is home to                                                    ort Lucaya Marketplace - Port Lucaya
the world’s largest underwater limestone       cavern with an extensive, flooded, labyrinth     Marketplace is a 4.9-hectare/12-acre
cave system. It is mainly accessible to ex-
                                               of caves and submerged tunnels that honey- shopping area in Freeport. With more than

                                               comb the entire island and surrounding sea 60 shops, a dozen restaurants, many artists,

                                               bed. This is one of the longest underwater handcrafted jewelry vendors and hair braid-

                                               cave systems in the world and one of the ers, you’re sure to find great bargains. Port

                                               most environmentally distinct. The vast tun- Lucaya Marketplace is a vibrant, open-air

                                               nel system, accessible by both land and sea, shopping and entertainment hub set on a

                                               was created over thousands of years as the five-acre peninsula overlooking the water-

                                               seepage of acidified rainwater eroded the front.

                                               island’s limestone base. The island’s early in-

                                               habitants, the Lucayans, used the caves for

                                               dwellings and traces of their civilization are
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