Page 91 - The British Big Four
P. 91

assau is the capital, largest city, and  inal inhabitants. As the population of Nas- ropean descent lived on the island’s north-

N commercial center of the Common-              sau grew, so did its populated areas. Today ern coastal ridges.

wealth of the Bahamas. The city has a popu-     the city dominates the entire island and its
lation of 248,948 (2010 census), 70 percent     Fsatellite, Paradise Island. However, until the
of the entire population of the Bahamas                                                          ishing - Grand Bahama Island is recog-
(353,658). Lynden Pindling International Air-   post-Second World War era, the outer sub-        nized as one of the top sport fishing
port, the major airport for the Bahamas, is
located about 16 kilometers (9.9 mi) west of    urbs scarcely existed. Most of New Provi- regions in the world. Marlin, Tuna, Wahoo
Nassau city center, and has daily flights to
major cities in the United States, the Carib-   dence was uncultivated bush until Loyalists and Barracuda are plentiful in the ocean
bean, Canada, and the United Kingdom. The
city is located on the island of New Provi-     were resettled here following the American waters and the island’s number one game
dence, which functions much like a business
district. Nassau is the site of the House of    Revolutionary War; they established several fish—Bonefish—can be caught in the flats
Assembly and various judicial departments
and was considered historically to be a         plantations, such as Clifton and Tusculum. off Deep Water Cay. The prime season for
stronghold of pirates.[1] Nassau’s modern
growth began in the late eighteenth centu-      Slaves were imported as labor. After the Brit- fishing is between the months of April and
ry, with the influx of thousands of American
Loyalists and their slaves to the Bahamas       ish abolished the international slave trade in September. Two competitive tournaments
following the American Revolutionary War.
Many of them settled in Nassau (then and        1807, they resettled thousands of Africans are scheduled during this time: the Bahamas
still the commerce capital of the Bahamas)
and eventually came to outnumber the orig-      liberated from slave ships by the Royal Navy Wahoo Championship in December, Janu-

                                                on New Providence (at Adelaide Village and ary and March, and the annual Bacardi Rum

                                                Gambier Village), along with other islands Bonefish Tournament in March. Fishing Reg-

                                                such as Grand Bahama, Exuma, Abaco and ulations - You do not need a fishing license

                                                Inagua. In addition, slaves freed from Ameri- but you do need to follow all the regulations

                                                can ships, such as the Creole case in 1841, in terms of seasons, size and distance from

                                                were allowed to settle here. The largest con- shore.

                                                centration of Africans historically lived in

                                                the “Over-the-Hill” suburbs of Grants Town

                                                and Bain Town to the south of the city of

                                                Nassau, while most of the inhabitants of Eu-
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