Page 92 - The British Big Four
P. 92

pearfishing: Spearfishing is allowed in     obster: Lobster season is open from Au- per vessel at any time. If you are sport fish-
                                                 gust 1st to March 31st. You are limited ing you will most likely have hired a guide
S Lthe Bahamas only by free diving and
using a Hawaiian Sling or Pole Spear. You to 6 per person and they must have a mini- with a boat that has the proper permits

are not allowed to use scuba equipment, air mum of 3 3/8” carapace or 6”tail length. Egg knows all of the specific boating and fishing

compressors or spear guns for fishing in the bearing lobsters are protected and illegal to regulations.

Bahamas. Spearing is not allowed within 200 harvest.
yards of the shore around the Out Islands. In
                                                                                                     tone Crabs: The minimum harvestable
SNew Providence, Freeport and Grand Baha-                                                            claw is four inches. Harvesting of fe-
Cma spearing is not allowed within one mile                                                     males is prohibited. The season is closed
                                                 onch: Conch must have a well formed
                                                 lip, with a limit of 6 per vessel. Conch is

of the shore. Spearing or taking marine life a threatened species in many areas includ- from June 1 to October 15.

(by any means) is prohibited within national     ing the Bahamas. We have read conflicting      T urtles: Illegal to import. No vessel shall
sea parks.                                       information on whether or not foreigners             have onboard marine turtles.
                                                 are permitted to harvest of Conch. To help
S cale fish (aka Demersal species): Group-       protect this valuable resource please refrain  S hark: The Bahamas banned all commer-
     er, Snapper, Hog Fish, etc. must be larger  from harvesting Conch unless you have               cial shark fishing in 2011. Only catch
than 3lbs and vessels cannot possess more        hired a local guide. Your likelihood of find-

than 60 pounds or 20 fish total. Their skin ing any without their help is pretty minimal and release shark fishing is allowed.

must remain intact during transport so anyway.

species identification is possible. Nassau
Grouper season is closed annually from De-
                                                 ahoo/Dolphin/Kingfish/Tuna: Migra-
Wcember 1st through the end of February.         tory species shall not exceed 18 fish
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