Page 94 - The British Big Four
P. 94

etskis - Feel the wind in your face and waters of the Bahamas.                            it a great group activity.

J taste the salt spray on your lips as you
race your friends back and forth across the

K Nwater at speeds of up to 50 miles per hour.
                                                itesurfing - Kitesurfing or kiteboarding      ightlife - With so many bars and lounges to
                                                is a surface water sport that uses the        choose from, there’s always somewhere in

A jet ski is a personal motorized watercraft wind to pull a rider through the water on a Paradise to soak up the sounds of a DJ, enjoy a

that one rides or stands on. A perfect vessel small surfboard a kiteboard similar to wake- fantastic glass of wine or share a quiet nightcap.

for catching waves and cruising with speed, boarding.                                         While in the heart of Nassau, you can choose to

the jet ski is a unique way to experience the                                                 experience all the action of a casino, the bubbly
Caribbean waters. Whether it’s a ‘Jet Ski’, a                                                 beverages of a colonial bar or pick up a new move
                                                arasailing - Parasailing is a recreational    on the dance floor.
P‘Waverunner’, or a ‘Sea-Doo’, a wide range     activity where a person is towed behind

of jet ski rentals are available on Grand Cay-  a vehicle (usually a boat) while attached to  S urfing - Did you know tha that the Bahamas
man and throughout the islands during your      a specially designed parachute, known as           has great surifng. We discuss the surf loca-
Cayman Islands vacation. Be sure to keep an     a parasail, and is a popular Cayman water-

eye out for snorkellers that may have swam sport. The boat then drives off, carrying the tions as part of this flipbook

further out from the shore. From private parascender high into the air. If the boat is

charters to solo excursions, a jetski ride is powerful enough, two or three people can

a unique way to experience the crystal blue parasail behind it at the same time, making
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