Page 82 - The British Big Four
P. 82
second Spanish invasion fleet in 1720 piracy was the loss of the pirates’ last Carib- were created from colonial and naval offic-
A was deterred by the defenses (and the bean safe haven at Nassau. It is in this pe- ers to try all piracy-related cases. These new
accidental presence of a Royal Navy ship in riod that the popular Pirates of the Caribbe- and faster ‘trials’ provided no legal repre-
Nassau). Rogers returned to Britain in 1722 an film series produced by the Walt Disney sentation for the pirates; and ultimately led
to plead for repayment of the money he had Company is loosely set. After 1720, piracy in this era to the execution of 600 pirates,
borrowed to build up Nassau, only to find in the classic sense became extremely rare which represented approximately 10 per-
he had been replaced as governor. He was in the Caribbean as European military and cent of the pirates active at the time in the
sent to debtors’ prison, although his credi- naval forces, especially those of the Royal Caribbean region.
tors later absolved his debts, gaining him Navy, became too widespread and active for A board a pirate vessel things were fairly
release. After the publication in 1724 of A any pirate to pursue an effective career for democratic and there were “codes of
General History of the Robberies and Mur- long. By 1718, the British Royal Navy had ap-
ders of the Most Notorious Pirates, which proximately 124 vessels and 214 by 1815; a conduct” that reflect modern laws. Some
praised Rogers’ efforts to suppress piracy in big increase from the two vessels England of these rules consisted of a dress code,
the Bahamas, his fortunes began to improve. had possessed in 1670. no women, and some ships had no smok-
The king awarded him a pension, retroac- ing. The rules, the punishment for breaking
tive to 1721. In 1728 Rogers was appointed them, and even the staying arrangements
ritish Royal Navy warships tirelessly would be decided amongst everyone going
BGovernor of the Bahamas for a second term. hunted down pirate vessels, and almost
He dissolved the colony’s assembly when it always won these engagements. Pirates who on the ship before departure, which was a
would not approve taxes to repair Nassau’s were caught by British forces in particular very abstract process compared to the au-
defenses. He died in Nassau in 1732. were tried in court and had to be convicted thoritarianism that occurred in the Royal
T his early 18th century resurgence of pi- before they were transferred to England. Be- Navy. In further contrast to the society of
racy lasted only until the Royal Navy and fore a captured pirate was transferred they Britain’s colonies, on board a pirate vessel
had to be convicted according to the testi- racial divisions were usually unknown and
the Spanish Guardacosta’s presence in the mony of witnesses and other hard evidence. in some instances pirates of African descent
Caribbean were enlarged to deal with the This was a lengthy and expensive process even served as ships’ Captains.
threat. Also crucial to the end of this era of so to make it quicker seven commissioners