Page 274 - French Polynesia
P. 274

punohu Coral Wall – MOOREA - Maximum depth: 30 me-               multi-colored coralline drop-offs, this spot is famous specially for
                                                                         the violet type of coral, a very known one, the “Distichopora Viola-
O ters/90 feet. The show begins onboard with the best view of            cea” and electrical shine. Full of multi-colored coralline drop-offs.

“the most beautiful island in the world”. The bay is protected area      T he Blue – RANGIROA - Descending into the blue of the Tiputa
from the eastern winds and waves. Once in the water, you will                 reef, you will see scores of marine life. You may encounter
discover a very special dive for this island, with great coral walls     barracudas, jackfish, tuna, Grey sharks, Silvertip sharks, Silky
and canyons. You can do several dives in the same area : one goes        sharks and even Bottlenose dolphins. To thoroughly enjoy this
deeper to the “small (coral) rose garden”, a specific kind of coral.     dive, which takes place in deep blue of the reef, a good mastery
The other goes along the big wall. The third one finishes near the       of buoyancy control is required. The dive starts at the same point
Sharks’ dining room. In all of the dives, you will encounter sea         as the Windmill but instead of swimming along the bottom of 82
turtles, sharks and tropical fish and probably a few huge moray          to 85 feet, you will be swimming outwards where you will have
eels before crossing from one canyon to the other, staying in the        approximately 820 feet below your fins. Although the visibility in
middle of clear water.                                                   Rangiroa is fantastic, everything fades from blue to black as you
                                                                         look down. The main purpose of this dive is to see the Albimargi-
T he Opunohu Canyons – MOOREA - Maximum depth 90 feet.                   natus (silver tip shark) but can also lead to some nice silky sharks if
      Keeping to the bottom of the small canyon, you will see plenty     lucky. This is the one location where baiting is done by dive shops.
of small marine fauna, black tip sharks, and of course huge lemon        At around 50 feet the boat man may bait the sharks here.
sharks. At the end of the dive stop to see pretty anemones with
their clown fish. Succession of drop-offs and cave-like never end-       T he Wall – RANGIROA - This dive takes place along a steep drop-
ing canyons narrowed by coral walls. Lemon sharks, moray eels,                off of broken by faults and rock overhangs, covered with deli-
turtles, lion fishes.                                                    cate branches of orange and purple Stylaster soft coral. All these
                                                                         caves are home to many species of reef fish, angelfish, surgeon-
M iri-Miri - RAIATEA - Depth: 0 to 29 meters, 0 to 90 feet. This         fish, parrotfish, and perhaps you’ll come face-to-face with a giant
        site is an absolute delight dive to the crystal clear water and  grouper. The water is clear, deep blue. As random encounters, you
the variety of colorful fish. As a matter of fact blacktip reef sharks,  will see scads, tunas, sharks, gray or white tip lagoon sharks.
Napoleon wrasses, walls of snappers will accompany you during
the dive. Accessible to all levels. Level 1 or open waters. Full of
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