Page 278 - French Polynesia
P. 278

he Arue Fault – TAHITI - Maximum          reef fish, crayfish. Considered as one of the  fauna or tropical fish, multicolored coral
                                               more attractive dives on the east coast of     polyps, anemones, crabs. Look around for
T depth : 196 feet . Located on the east       the island. One of the notable diving spots    the Napoleon Wrasse and dogtooth tuna
                                               on the island of Tahiti. Is actually three     that frequently cruise the reef. Look in the
coast of Tahiti, the dive site is a beautiful  different dive sites. On the outer side of     crevices for resting turtles and sharks.
undersea cave at the depth of around 100       the reef, a coral plateau 15 feet under the
feet. A wall starts at around 15 feet where    surface overlooks an impressive and diz-       R ight corner - TIKEHAU - Nice wall rich
you’ll find different species of fish and      zying drop. One hundred yards apart, two             of schools of fish, barracudas, caranx,
crayfish. Considered as one of the more        narrow and mysterious faultlines, 200 feet     lutjans, surgeon fishes.
attractive dives on the east coast. Located    long and extending to a depth of approxi-
on the east coast of Tahiti, the dive site is  mately 100 feet, make two notches in this
a beautiful undersea cave at the depth of      plateau, which hide myriads of colorful
around 100 feet home to a army of soldier-
fish. A wall starts at around 15 feet where
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