Page 277 - French Polynesia
P. 277

tienne Drops – TAHITI - This is probably one of Tahiti’s rich-      graphical fault covered with yellow gorgonian coral formations.
                                                                         The north point is also rich in gorgonian coral although there are
E est diving spots. The barrier reef protecting the lagoon drops         groups of violet coral. You may come across tuna that sometimes
                                                                         follow divers from a distance before disappearing into the blue.
down towards the depth of the ocean. Before it completely disap-         The visibility is often excellent from 150-200 feet where the ocean
pears, it offers the dizzying spectacle of gigantic vertical walls cov-  becomes an abrupt wall of cliff. You’ll find that the Gorgonian coral
ered with yellow gorgonians and dense schools of anthias. Schools        even bigger and dense at this depth.
of barracuda and jacks swim near the wall as dogtooth tuna cruise
by. Look for the sharks that are constant companions during most         T ahiti Wall – TAHITI - Peer into the deepest depths of the ocean
of your outer reef dives in French Polynesia.                                 from a sheer cliff located on an underwater plateau at the
                                                                         famed Tahiti Wall.
P apara – TAHITI - Sheer drop-off, home to many white tip reef
      sharks and other spectacular species

P apa Whisky – TAHITI - Maximum depth: 165 feet. “Papa whisky”           T he Arue Gorgonians - TAHITI - A deep dive along near the
      is the name given to the small artificial island located adjacent       Tahiti Yacht club, a vertical and sometimes overhanging wall
to the airport of Faa’a. On the surface seems to be that of a cliff. It  of the outer reef is covered with numerous orange gorgonians
is, in fact, the edge of a vast amphitheatre (230 feet long) created     and black coral. Make sure to bring a dive light to appreciate the
by the collapse of one part of an undersea plateau. The interior         beauty and colors of this spot, home to a multitude of small fish. A
of the structure better withstands the force of the surrounding          little further along and shallower (30 m) the cave of Arue has been
currents. Two exploration dive plans are possible; one by way of         dug naturally into the drop, deep enough to allow the passage of a
the southern extremity of the arena and the other one from the           group of five divers abreast. This walls of the cavern hide lobsters
northern point. Both options are recommended only to experi-             schools of rockfish as well as crayfish.
enced divers. The journey on the South side is a beautiful geo-
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