Page 229 - Florida and the US Caribbean Isles
P. 229
ISLAMORADA (pronounced “I-lah-mo-rah-dah”) to explore, understand, and venture into the sea. Features five self-guided trails, and a visitor cent-
The Sport Fishing Capital of the World! Host- (305) 664-9737 (305) 664-9737 Located at MM 83 er with educational exhibits about the history
ing more fishing tournaments than anywhere (82990 Overseas Hwy) in Islamorada. of the site. Located at MM 85.5, (305) 664-2540
else in the U.S.A., Islamorada lures fishermen to (305) 664-2540.
its incomparable opportunities for reeling in big LIGNUMVITAE KEY BOTANICAL STATE PARK Ac-
game. Divers enjoy Islamorada’s fabulous reefs cessible by private boat or tour boat. Rangers INDIAN KEY HISTORIC STATE PARK Accessible
and wrecks, kayaking in tranquil waters around a give guided walks through the magnificent island only by private boat or tour boat. Visitors swim,
magnificent mangrove, watching a dolphin show, forest. For tours (305) 664-9814 (305) 664-9814. sunbathe, hike, canoe, kayak, and fish. For tours
or shopping for that unique Islamorada souvenir. Located one mile west of US Highway 1 at MM call (305) 664-9814 (305) 664-9814. Located on
78.5. the ocean side of Hwy 1 at Mile Marker 78.5. (305)
ISLAMORADA POINTS OF INTEREST: 664-2540 (305) 664-2540
LONG KEY STATE PARK Explore a chain of lagoons
THEATER OF THE SEA in this marine mammal ad- by canoe or kayak, or hike two trails on the is- SAN PEDRO UNDERWATER ARCHAEOLOGICAL
venture park, you can swim with sea lions and land. Also climb an observation tower and enjoy PRESERVE STATE PARK Features remains of the
dolphins, pet stingrays, and see live performanc- a spectacular panoramic view of the island and Spanish Ship San Pedro, which was sunk in a 1733
es with sea lions, dolphins, and parrots. Cute kitty the ocean. Located at MM 67.5 (67400 Overseas hurricane. Great for snorkeling and scuba. Ac-
cats wander around the tropical gardens and gift Hwy). (305) 664-4815 (305) 664-4815 cording to local divers the wreck is found at 24O
shop. (305) 664-2431 (305) 664-2431 Located at 51.802’N, 80O40.795’W. Call (305) 664-2540 (305)
PARK Formed from Key Largo limestone, which
HISTORY OF DIVING MUSEUM Dedicated to ar- is fossilized coral. From the early 1900’s until the .
tifacts, antiques, books, documents, and photo- 1960’s the stone was quarried for use in building
graphs relative to the history of man’s attempts a railroad, and to produce decorative “Keystone.”