Page 233 - Florida and the US Caribbean Isles
P. 233
LOWER KEYS POINTS OF INTEREST: THE BLUE HOLE This artificial lake, created as a 1, and turn right on Bat Tower Rd just after Mile-
borrow pit, attracts such freshwater species as Marker 17. Veer to the right at the fork in the road.
BAHIA HONDA STATE PARK Known for beautiful alligators, turtles, wading birds, and fish. It is the
beaches, magnificent sunsets, and excellent snor- largest body of fresh water in the Keys. KEY WEST The Uncommon Place! Home to end-
keling. Rent a kayak or snorkeling gear, visit the less points of interest, Key West has more than
nature center, camp or stay in a cabin, or go fish- THE GREAT WHITE HERON REFUGE Established in you can possibly visit in a single day, or even a
ing for large gamefish beneath the bridge. The 1938 next to Big Pine Key, this bird watchers’ par- week. This is one of America’s most historic cit-
Flagler Bridge off the southern peninsula, with adise offers protection to rare and endangered ies, where real estate deeds date back hundreds
the train trestle and the automobile span curving species, and is home to many migratory birds of years. You can find Ernest Hemingway’s home,
above it, is the original Bahia Honda Bridge, and nesting here in the winter. the John Audubon House and many other his-
is now a national historical site. (305) 872-2353 toric edifices. One of the most fabulous artifacts
(305) 872-2353 LOOE KEY NATIONAL MARINE SANCTUARY The you will ever see outside of King Tut’s tomb itself
area offshore from Big Pine, Ramrod and Sum- is the fabulous and fabled booty of the Atocha,
NATIONAL KEY DEER REFUGE On Big Pine Key merland Keys is most known as the best diving on display at the Mel Fisher Maritime Heritage
there are about 300 miniature deer, a subspecies area of the Middle Keys. It was named for the Museum. Key West is also home to world class
of the Virginia white tail deer on the mainland. HMS Looe, a British frigate that ran aground in a fishing, plus extraordinary diving. Be sure to visit
There is a strictly enforced low speed limit here 1744 hurricane. Mallory Square, where every evening the Sunset
simply because these deer commonly become Celebration is held, with a guarantee of superb,
casualties on the highway. THE BAT TOWER Constructed in 1929 by a man even if unplanned, entertainment. Refer to the
named Perky who wanted to get rid of mosqui- reverse side of this map for a close-up of Key West
toes. The tower was to house mosquito-eating and the favorite things to see and do.
bats, but the imported bats flew away, never to
return. To get there, travel south on US Highway