Page 235 - Florida and the US Caribbean Isles
P. 235

U.S.A. This concrete monolith, located at the cor-       The premier underwater park of the U.S.A. is         was once a partner with John D. Rockefeller in
ner of Whitehead and South Streets in old Key            also called “The Diving Capital of the World”.       Standard Oil, and built the Florida East Coast Rail-
West, not only proclaims this to be the Southern-        Coral reefs and marine life are visited by scuba     way in the late 19th century. He extended the
most Point in the Continental United States, but         divers and snorkelers, or viewed from a glass        railway to Key West in the early 20th century. The
it also indicates that this is “The Conch Republic”      bottom boat. Visitors also enjoy the sea life at     exact origin of Flagler’s Barge is unknown, but it
(note the triangular logo on the top section of          a 30,000-gallon coral reef aquarium. Above the       probably carried materials and supplies during
the marker). Tourists (including Franko!) line up        water, you can hike the trails through the man-      repair work on Flagler’s railway in the 1930’s.
and take turns all day to take a photo here, often       grove, sun yourself at a lovely beach, or marvel at
trusting their camera to the person behind them          the eco-system aboard a rented kayak or canoe.       GENERAL H.S. VANDENBERG Sunk 7 miles off Key
in line to take their photo, as was done in this one.    Located at MM 102.5 (102601 Overseas Hwy) in         West on May 27, 2009 to create a new artificial
                                                         Key Largo.                                           reef. She measures 523’ long, 73’ beam, and a 24’
KEY WEST GOLF CLUB - 18 unique holes cover 200                                                                draft. When operating, she was a 17,120-ton ves-
acres of beautiful Florida Keys foliage and wild-        FLORIDA BAY This shallow bay is called the “wa-      sel. Vandenberg is 100’ high from keel to highest
life. Designed by golf legend Rees Jones to be a         terspout capital of the world” because the area      structure, which is 40’ below the ocean surface.
challenge to players of all abilities. This is the only  has hundreds of waterspouts (over-water torna-       Most of her superstructure is approx. 50’ deep.
Caribbean golf course in the U.S.A.                      does) per year, mostly in May through October.
                                                         The area of the bay is nearly 1,000 square miles,
                                                         mostly within Everglades National Park.
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