Page 240 - Florida and the US Caribbean Isles
P. 240

EAGLE to 110’ Adv. This 269-foot freighter was        CANNABIS CRUISER (THE POT WRECK) to 110’ A           Lobsters, stone crabs, sheepshead, redfish, trout,
intentionally sunk in 1985, and sits on her star-     fishing trawler that was hauling a load of mari-     red grouper, jewfish, and snapper are all common
board side. You will see thousands of reef fish.      juana, that was intentionally scuttled by its crew   here.
barracuda, jacks, and tarpon are common. Cau-         when the Coast Guard was chasing them.
tion: Strong currents.                                                                                     THE PILLARS to 100’ Named for pillar corals near-
                                                      MATECUMBE DROP-OFF to 170’ The drop-off is           ly 25 feet tall. Large fish such as marlin, amber-
HAMMERHEAD REEF to 65’ A beautiful reef on a          a big ditch located between the towers of Alliga-    jacks, and groupers are common.
steep slope, with many sponges including glass        tor Reef and Tennessee Reef. Generally, visibility
vase sponges. Hammerheads are rare.                   is not too great.                                    SAN IGNACIO DE URGUIJO Wreckage from the
                                                                                                           Spanish treasure fleet, located 100 yards east of
ALEXANDER BARGE to 110’ 120’ barge intention-         KEYS BRIDGES to 20’ Int.-Adv. Various Key Bridg-     the old light tower at Coffins Patch. Occasionally
ally sunk in 1984. Rubble from the Whale Harbor       es are best dived at mid-tide when the direction     divers find pieces of silver.
Bridge is found nearby.                               of the current is changing. Popular bridges are
                                                      Snake Creek, Whale Harbor, the four bridges at In-   THE FISH MARKET to 70’ Int. This reef is more
ALLIGATOR REEF to 50’ Int. Named after the USS        dian Key Fill, the two south of Lower Metecumbe,     than a mile long, and has excellent visibility. The
Alligator, which wrecked here in 1822. The origi-     and both Bahia Honda bridges. Caution: Strong        name comes from the large schools of fish that
nal lighthouse was built in 1873. Here you will       currents, fire coral.                                are common here.
find arrow crabs, lobsters, and grunts in abun-
dance. In fact, this place looks like one big tropi-  CALOOSA ROCKS to 20’ Beg. This shallow reef, is      COFFINS PATCH to 25’ Beg. Southern stingrays,
cal fish tank. Caution: Surgy, strong currents.       excellent for snorkeling. Brain, star, lettuce, and  brain coral, fire coral, and pillar coral are common
                                                      other corals are abundant.                           here. Visibility is sometimes good here, some-
ALLIGATOR CANYON to 120’ A 70’ slope with                                                                  times not so good. A great place for snorkeling.
many glass vase and basket sponges. Occasion-         CONTENT KEYS to 15’ Beg. Located on the Gulf         Caution: Surgy, fire coral.
ally divers are amazed to see sailfish and marlin.    side of the Keys, here you will find a different
                                                      ecosystem from the dive sites on the Ocean side.
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