Page 244 - Florida and the US Caribbean Isles
P. 244
WESTERN SAMBO 25’ - 45’ Beg. Located within Caution: Strong currents in channels. WESTERN DRY ROCKS to 40’ Beg. A great reef
an ecological reserve. On the east end of the reef MARQUESAS KEYS to 30’ Int. The only atoll in with excellent visibility, and many cracks, crev-
is a channel called Cannonball Cut with many the Atlantic Ocean. Worth the trip if you can do it. ices, and caves. Seasonally has sharks. Good
spiny lobsters. Giant star coral mounds are found There are a few wrecks in the area. A great place snorkeling.
at this site. This site is known for its popular work- to snorkel. Caution: Surgy, strong currents
boat wreck dive, The Aquanaut. Caution: Surgy AND KEY REEF to 65’ Beg. A sand island with a
MARQUESAS ROCK to 120’ Int.-Adv. Marked by a lighthouse built in 1853. Wonderful shallow reef,
JOE’S TUG to 60’ Int. This 75-foot-long tug was large can buoy 1.5 miles west of Cosgrove Shoal good for snorkelers. Caution: Surgy, fire coral.
mysteriously scuttled in 1989 while heading for Lighthouse. Margates, jacks, squirrel fish, jewfish,
the Miami scrap heap. Home to schoolmasters, and turtles are common. Caution: Strong cur- 9-FOOT STAKE 10’ - 30’ Beg. The nine-foot-long
grunts, a pair of moray eels, and a loggerhead tur- rents. wooden stake is no longer here, as it was taken
tle. A great night dive. Caution: Strong currents out by a passing boat in the 1990’s. This is a great
COSGROVE SHOAL to 210’ Int.-Adv. Marked by night dive, and an excellent site for snorkeling
COTTRELL KEY (GULF SIDE REEF) to 15’ Beg. a 50-foot lighthouse. Large barracudas hang with lots of spiny lobsters.
Large clusters of coral heads, and many snapper around the lighthouse. Black coral can be found
and parrotfish. Caution: Sometimes has poor vis- in the deeper sections. Large brain corals with CAYMAN SALVAGE MASTER to 90’ Adv. This up-
ibility. cleaner wrasse provide cleaning stations for bar- right 187-foot cable layer was intentionally sunk
racudas, turtles and other large customers. Vis- in 1985. Deterioration makes this wreck hazard-
ALEXANDER’S WRECK to 30’ Beg. This former Na- ibility here is excellent. Caution: Strong currents. ous for penetration. Caution: Strong currents.
val vessel sits on its side and is broken into two
pieces, one of which sticks out of the water. Cau- TEN-FATHOM LEDGE 35’ - 100’+ The drop-off at STOPPINO’S BUOY to 30’ Beg. Located at Nav.
tion: Strong currents the edge of a 35’ deep reef here descends to a Marker 32. Typical shallow spur-and-groove reef.
sandy bottom 120’below. The Gulf Stream makes Nurse sharks, green and hawksbill sea turtles are
THE LAKES to 30’ Int. A series of lagoons pro- this a drift dive, and its openness brings lots commonly seen. A great night dive and good for
tected by islands and reefs. Very shallow in many of large pelagic fishes by, plus some very large snorkeling.
places. Runs from Mule Key to Boca Grand Key. groupers.