Page 249 - Florida and the US Caribbean Isles
P. 249

VIRGINIA REEF to 20’ Beg. Divers find and      CARYSFORT REEF to 80’ Named for the              sides are common, as well as the big fish
enjoy stands of elkhorn coral, southern        H.M.S. Carysfort, which ran aground about        that eat them. Caution: Surgy.
stingrays, red squirrelfish, queen angelfish,  1770. The renovated lighthouse dates to
and purple creole wrasses. Great site for      1852. Near the lighthouse the shallow spur-      NORTH NORTH DRY ROCKS to 25’ Beg. Reef
snorkers. Caution: Surgy.                      and-groove reef is super for snorkeling. Fur-    extends to within five feet of the surface,
                                               ther out there is a drop-off with a second       making it good for snorkelers. Several spe-
THE WALL to 105’ Adv. Drift dive on one        reef rising from 65 ft. to within 35 ft. of the  cies of angelfish munch on various sponges.
of only two real walls in the Keys. Barrel     surface. Spectacular corals throughout, but      Star corals as tall as you are make a habitat
sponges and sea fans thrive in the current.    the colorful sponges dominate.                   for many small fishes. Caution: Surgy.

TURTLE REEF to 30 ft. Beg. Best diving is      SOUTH CARYSFORT REEF to 80’ Int. This            CIVIL WAR WRECK to 20’ Beg. This dete-
along the east side. Frequented by hawks-      storm-damaged reef is good for snorkeling        riorating wreck dates to the early 1860’s.
bill turtles, and stoplight parrotfish. Cau-   along the shallow reef at high tide, and the     Wood timbers provide a hideout for snap-
tion: Surgy, poor visibility.                  scuba diving is good outside the buoy line       per, Spanish grunts, moray eels, coneys,
                                               from about 30 ft. to 80 ft. depth. Caution:      parrotfish, angelfish, corals, sponges, nudi-
TURTLE ROCKS to 30’ Beg. Named for coral       Surgy and strong currents on outside reef.       branchs, anemones, brittle stars, and hermit
heads that look like turtles.                                                                   crabs.
                                               H.M.S. WINCHESTER to 30’ Beg. This old
SCHOONER THIORVA to 25’ Beg. The dates         wreck dates to the 1690’s. Most of the re-       CITY OF WASHINGTON to 25’ Beg. This
of this ship wreck are a mystery. Her anchor,  mains are buried in the sand. Caution: Sur-      320-foot long barge struck the reef and sank
a cannon, and a few metal objects remain.      gy, strong currents.                             in 1908. Friendly barracuda and green mo-
Ceramic shards can sometimes be found in                                                        ray eels may expect you to feed them. Curl
the sand.                                      HORSESHOE REEF to 22’ Beg. Reef rises to         your fingers and keep your hands by your
                                               within 8 feet of the surface. Large colonies     side from these toothy friends. Great night
                                               of star, starlet, brain, and branching corals.   dive.
                                               Good reef for snorkelers. Schools of silver-
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