Page 252 - Florida and the US Caribbean Isles
P. 252
SAND ISLAND to 60’ Int. Two main coral ridges DUANE to 115’ Adv. Like the Bibb, another 327- MOLASSES REEF (SOUTH END) to 40’ Int. A ship’s
are featured, as well as a bowl-like depression foot U.S. Coast Guard cutter, which saw action in winch, an area called Fire Coral Caves, and a Span-
where you can relax and watch the reef life all WWII and Vietnam, and was sunk in 1987. She ish anchor all await you here. This is a suitable
around you. rests upright on the sand. place for snorkeling. Caution: Surgy, strong cur-
MOLASSES REEF (NORTH END) to 40’ Int. Centu- USCGC DUANE This sunken U.S. Coast Guard Cut-
ries-old star coral mounds, and dozens of species ter is one of many favorite wreck dives near Pen- THREE SISTERS to 20’ Beg. Named for three
of fish await you here. nekamp State Park waters. The BIBB is virtually markers that used to mark a shipping channel.
identical, except she lays on her starboard side. Only two of these markers remain today. The site
BIBB to 130’ Adv. 327-foot U.S. Coast Guard cut- consists of shallow patch reefs. A nice place to
ter This ship took part in the Battle of Okinawa in PICKLES to 80’ Int. Named for the Pickle Barrel snorkel. Caution: Surgy, poor viz.
WWII, and served in Vietnam. She was sunk for a Wreck, a barge that carried mortar in large wood-
reef in 1987, and sits on her starboard side. en barrels. Now there are barrel-shaped con- WHITE BANK DRY ROCKS to 18’ Beg. An excellent
crete plugs with no wood. Conchs and flamingo choice for beginning snorkelers. Butterflyfish,
tongues are common. parrotfish, and damselfish are common in this
beautiful coral garden. Caution: Surgy, visibility
often not more than 20 feet.