Page 257 - Florida and the US Caribbean Isles
P. 257
Key West
K EY WEST The Uncommon Place! Home to Ernest Hemingway’s home, the John Audu- Heritage Museum. Key West is also home to
endless points of interest, Key West has bon House and many other historic edifices. world class fishing, plus extraordinary diving.
more than you can possibly visit in a single One of the most fabulous artifacts you will Be sure to visit Mallory Square, where every
day, or even a week. This is one of America’s ever see outside of King Tut’s tomb itself is evening the Sunset Celebration is held, with
most historic cities, where real estate deeds the fabulous and fabled booty of the Ato- a guarantee of superb, even if unplanned,
date back hundreds of years. You can find cha, on display at the Mel Fisher Maritime entertainment.