Page 260 - Florida and the US Caribbean Isles
P. 260

Things to Do In Key West

GLASS BOTTOM BOAT DISCOVERY TOURS This              sists of watching the sun sink into the Gulf of      8990 (305) 292-8990
glass bottom boat features a unique viewing         Mexico, and numerous arts and crafts exhibitors,
room with 20 large windows at a 45-degree an-       street performers, food carts, psychics, and more.   CONCH TOUR TRAIN Since 1958, this “World Fa-
gle. At the reef you will see the Florida Keys      This is a must-see event for anyone visiting Key     mous” tour train has entertained visitors to Key
fabulous undersea life without getting wet! The     West.                                                West with a 90-minute tour filled with over a hun-
boat docks at the Key West Historic Seaport, in                                                          dred points of interest. Board at Front and Duval
Land’s End Village at the corner of Margaret St     KEY WEST HISTORICAL MEMORIAL SCULPTURE               Streets. (305) 294-5161 (305) 294-5161
and Caroline St. (800) 262-0099 (800) 262-0099      GARDEN Features 36 bronze busts depicting
                                                    men and women important to the history of Key        OLD TOWN TROLLEY Offering 90-minute nar-
PIRATE SOUL This unique museum is dedicated         WeSt                                                 rated tours, the trolley can be boarded at Mal-
to the history of piracy. Come see the largest and                                                       lory Square, the Key West Welcome Center, and
most authentic collection of pirate artifacts ever  KEY WEST AQUARIUM A wonderful aquarium               at most hotels. Includes optional stops to shop,
displayed under one roof at 524 Front St. (305)     that has delighted visitors for over seventy years.  dine, or visit nearby attractions. (305) 296-6688
292-1113 (305) 292-1113                             Come and see hundreds of beautiful indigenous        (305) 296-6688
                                                    sea creatures of the Florida Keys. (800) 868-7482
MALLORY SQUARE Located at 1 Whitehead St,           (800) 868-7482                                       KEY WEST MUSEUM OF ART & HISTORY Lo-
Mallory Square has many attractions including:                                                           cated at the Custom House at 281 Front Street,
                                                    KEY WEST SHIPWRECK HISTOREUM Museum that             this 1891 building was once a post office, court
KEY WEST SUNSET CELEBRATION Every evening           has artifacts from the wrecked vessel Isaac Aller-   house, and government center. (305) 295-6616
starting about two hours before sunset, thou-       ton, films, and actors. The Isaac Allerton sank in   (305) 295-6616 Ext. 16
sands of tourists and locals gather at the water’s  1856 and was discovered in 1985. There is also a
edge to experience this celebration, which con-     65-foot lookout tower you can climb. (305) 292-
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