Page 261 - Florida and the US Caribbean Isles
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MEL FISHER MARITIME HERITAGE MUSEUM A fan-          tage in the garden. Visit any day at 410 Caroline     USS MOHAWK CGC MEMORIAL MUSEUM Come
tastic museum that displays a fortune in sunken     Street. (305) 296-3573 (305) 296-3573                 visit this wonderful museum, which is a Coast
Spanish ship treasures found by famed Mel Fisher                                                          Guard ship that served during World War II. Pa-
& crew near the Florida Keys. 200 Greene Street.    HARRY S. TRUMAN LITTLE WHITE HOUSE Built              trolling the North Atlantic, this ship launched a
(305) 294-2633 (305) 294-2633                       in 1890. President Truman spent 175 days of his       total of 14 attacks against Nazi submarines, res-
                                                    presidency here. Thomas A. Edison resided here        cued 293 men from the USAT Chatham, and res-
AUDUBON HOUSE AND TROPICAL GARDENS The              during the First World War. 111 Front St. (305)       cued 24 men from the SS Barberry. The unique
house has an amazing 28 first edition works by      294-9911 (305) 294-9911                               ship is still fully operational and in its original
John James Audubon, the famous and inspira-                                                               condition. It is filled with amazing memorabilia
tional wildlife artist. The tropical gardens are    SAN CARLOS INSTITUTE Founded by Cuban ex-             and artifacts.
found at 205 Whitehead Street and cover one         iles in the late 19th century. This building was
acre. The prized garden features orchids and bro-   completed in 1924, and was renovated in the           Florida Keys ECO-DISCOVERY CENTER This fas-
meliads. (877) 294-2470 (877) 294-2470              late 1980’s and early 1990’s. The institute is dedi-  cinating discovery center features a movie about
                                                    cated to Cuban heritage and history. Closed on        the Florida Keys and has over 6,000 square feet
OLDEST HOUSE MUSEUM IN SOUTH FLORIDA                Mondays. Located at 516 Duval Street. (305) 294-      of interactive exhibits. Terrestrial exhibits fo-
This sea captain’s house dates to 1829 and shows    3887 (305) 294-3887                                   cus on the above-water eco-systems including
history of 19th century wrecking in story, paint-                                                         beaches, mangroves, and hardwood hammocks.
ings, and artifacts. Features a light-up shipwreck  NANCY FORRESTER’S SECRET GARDEN This won-             Marine exhibits highlight the Keys’ famous un-
locator. Found on the main shopping street at       derful botanical garden includes rare endan-          dersea environment. Admission and parking are
322 Duval St. (305) 294-9501 (305) 294-9501         gered plants as well as some that are extinct in      free! Located at 35 East Quay Rd. (305) 809-4750
                                                    their original habitat. There are 150 species of      (305) 809-4750
THE KEY WEST HERITAGE HOUSE MUSEUM & ROB-           palms, a world class collection of aroids, as well
ERT FROST COTTAGE Built in the 1830’s and oc-       orchids, bromeliads, ferns, and bog plants. Found
cupied by seven generations of the Porter family.   at 1 Free-School Lane. (305) 294-0015 (305) 294-
Poet Robert Frost spend many winters in a cot-      0015
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