Page 254 - Florida and the US Caribbean Isles
P. 254

Nature & History                                                                   Florida State Parks             Southeast  John Pennekamp
                                                               Florida Department of Environmental Protection        Florida       Coral Reef
The park was created to protect and preserve                                                                                       State Park
a portion of the only living coral reef in the                            Division of Recreation and Parks
continental United States. The park extends                                                                        America’s first undersea park
three miles into the Atlantic Ocean, is                            John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park
approximately 21 miles in length and is adjacent                               U.S. 1 Mile Marker 102.5                                                            Anoosh Emtiaz
to the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary.                                 Key Largo, Florida 33037
                                                                                      (305) 451-1202                                                                                                                         SM
The park is named for one of the early proponents
of the preservation of its reef, John D. Pennekamp.                                               National Gold Medal Winner
Pennekamp was a Miami newspaper editor who
also helped establish Everglades National Park.              Park Guidelines                                       Florida State Parks - “America’s First Three-Time Winner”

The park contains a wide variety of tropical              •	 Hours are 8 a.m. until sunset, 365 days a year.
vegetation, shorebirds and marine life. The coral         •	 An entrance fee is required. Additional user fees
reefs are among the most beautiful and diverse of
all living communities. Coral reefs are made of tiny           may apply.
animals called polyps. Stony corals, such as star         •	 The collection, destruction or disturbance of
coral and brain coral, secrete a limestone skeleton
around their bodies. These skeletons remain after              plants, animals or park property is prohibited.
death and provide the foundation for new polyp            •	 Pets are permitted in designated areas only. Pets
growth. Octocorals, such as sea fans and sea
plumes,	are	flexible	and	sway	gracefully	in	the                must be kept on a leash no longer than six feet
ocean current as they feed on plankton.                        and well behaved at all times.
                                                          •	 Fishing,	boating,	swimming	and	fires	are	allowed	
Sponges, shrimps, crabs, turtles, lobsters and                 in designated areas only. A Florida saltwater
hundreds	of	species	of	fish	live	among	the	corals.	            fishing	license	is	required	unless	exempt	by	law.	
These reefs occur only in shallow oceans having                Snorkelers and scuba divers should always use
clear, warm waters. It took approximately 5,000                Diver-Down	flags	when	in	the	water.
years for this coral reef to form.                        •	 Become a volunteer. Inquire at the ranger station.
                                                          •	 For camping information, contact Reserve
At the reef, snorkelers delight in seeing many                 America at (800) 326-3521 or (866) I CAMP FL or
colorful	tropical	fish	and	corals.	Anglers	can	fish	for	       TDD (888) 433-0287 or visit
a wide variety of species in diverse habitats.            •	 Florida’s state parks are committed to providing
                                                               equal access to all facilities and programs.
Touching or standing on corals may kill them                   Should you need assistance to enable your
and is therefore prohibited. Anglers will need a               participation, please contact the ranger station.
saltwater	fishing	license.	Spearfishing	is	prohibited.	
Collection	of	tropical	fish	is	not	allowed.	No	lobster	                    Alternate format
may be harvested from or within any                                        available upon
coral formation.                                                           request at any
                                                                           Florida state park.


                                                                            State Parks

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