Page 241 - Florida and the US Caribbean Isles
P. 241

THUNDERBOLT to 120’ Adv. This 188-foot ca-             HERMAN’S HOLE to 30’ Beg. The center of Her-        SOMBRERO REEF to 35’ Beg. - Int. Marked by the
ble layer was intentionally sunk in March, 1986.       man’s Hole is a large, sandy hole. Big sea fans,    142-foot Sombrero Key Light, built in 1858. This
Barracuda, angelfish, sponges, parrotfish, rock        smooth brain coral, gorgonians, sponges, squir-     classic spur-and-groove reef system provides
beauties, jacks, and grunts are common. A goli-        relfish, grunts, and porkfish are found here. An    sand channel alleys and finger reefs just loaded
ath grouper named “Bubba” lives here. Caution:         excellent snorkeling site. Caution: Surgy           with fish and giant brain coral, which make for
Strong currents, fire coral.                                                                               cleaning stations for barracuda, turtles and other
                                                       EAST WASHERWOMAN SHOAL to 18’ Beg.                  customers who come to be picked clean by tiny
THE GAP to 80’ Adv. A gap in the shelf starts at       Marked by a 36-foot tower. A fine location for      cleaner wrasse. This site is terrific for snorkeling.
about 50 feet deep and slopes downward 30 ver-         snorkeling. Caution: Visibility is often poor.      Caution: Currents
tical feet. Bar jacks, creole wrasses, schoolmas-
ters, green barrel sponges, sea fans, sea plumes,      FLAGLER’S BARGE to 20’ Beg. This easily acces-      DELTA SHOAL to 25’ Beg. Tomtates, French
and star corals are common. Occasionally pelagic       sible wreck is a 100-foot-long barge that was sunk  grunts, rock beauties, queen angelfish, brown
species cruise by. Caution: strong currents.           in the early 20th century. The ship is coated with  tube sponges, and orange elephant ear sponges
                                                       soft corals, sponges, sea fans, etc, and is a pro-  are at home here. A good site for snorkeling.
YELLOW ROCKS to 25’ Beg. Limestone ledges are          tective home to an astounding quantity of fish      Caution: Surgy
covered with sea fans and soft corals. Groupers        including vast schools of grunts, snapper, school-
and nurse sharks are common.                           masters, and yellowtail goatfish. Schools of high-  G MARKER to 40’ Beg. This reef is named for a
                                                       hats hang out on the barge perimeter, moray eels    36-foot tower. The reef is known for big fish and
SAMATHA’S REEF to 35’ Beg. Nurse sharks and            hide in crevices, and a nurse shark sleeps under    patch coral.
southern stingrays are used to being fed here, so      the bow. A nice snorkeling site, but scuba is
keep your fingers and hands out of the way. Brain      much more fun here. Caution: Surgy.                 NEWFOUND HARBOR to 15’ Beg. Reef rises to
coral, starlet coral, grunts, surgeonfish, yellowtail                                                      the surface in two areas. snapper and grunts are
snapper, and Bermuda chub are abundant. A                                                                  common. A fine snorkeling location. Caution:
wonderful place to snorkel. Caution: Surgy                                                                 Surgy, poor visibility.
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