Page 238 - Florida and the US Caribbean Isles
P. 238

TRIUMPH REEF to 130’ Some coral heads are only        CONCH REEF to 60’ Int. Home of the Aquarius           CROCKER VALLEY to 120’ Adv. Drop-off reef with
eight feet deep, making this a snorkelable loca-      Underwater Laboratory. Stay outside the area          a vertical wall of coral standing 10 to 20 feet tall.
tion. Visibility can be astounding.                   marked by the yellow buoys. Gorgonians, barrel        Caution: Strong currents.
                                                      sponges, hogfish, snapper, and hawksbill turtles
LONG REEF to 60’ Int. A two-mile-long reef with       are common. Interesting snorkeling.                   CROCKER REEF to 90’ Int. Star coral, brain cor-
several wrecks including the Lugana, the Alicia,                                                            al, large sponges, sea fans, sea plumes, jawfish,
and the Mandalay. Every reef fish from tiny dam-      LITTLE CONCH REEF to 25’ Beg. Consists mostly         angelfish, rock beauties, honeycomb cowfish,
selfish to big parrotfish are found here.             of patch reef spread out over a wide area. Re-        schoolmasters, blue tang, yellowtail snapper, and
                                                      garded as a good snorkeling site. Caution: Surgy.     damselfish are all in this huge, natural aquarium.
ALMIRANTE to 135’ This small, 210-foot freighter                                                            Caution: Surgy, strong currents.
was intentionally sunk in 1974, and sits upright      EL INFANTE to 15’ Beg. This 1733 wreck of the
on a sandy bottom. Tons of fish. Excellent vis-       Spanish ship El Infante is identified by the ballast  HEN & CHICKENS to 22’ Beg. Marked by a naviga-
ibility.                                              stones strewn about the ocean floor. Occasion-        tion light tower. Large star coral heads, groupers,
                                                      ally gold or silver trinkets are found by divers.     grunts, spadefish, porkfish, sheepshead, barra-
AJAX REEF to 200’ A fabulous diverse reef, suit-      Great snorkeling.                                     cuda, sponges, angelfish, surgeonfish, and stop-
able for all experience levels. Ajax Reef is part of                                                        light parrotfish are all common here. Caution:
Long Reef.                                            DAVIS REEF to 30’ Beg. Two small Buddha stat-         Surgy, strong currents, often poor visibility.
                                                      ues sit in the sand at the south end of Davis Reef.
CONCH WALL to 90’ Adv. Reef forms a 30-foot           Rub the head and/or belly for good luck. Orange       THE ROCKS to 12’ Beg. Popular shelling grounds
vertical wall that is covered with sea fans and bar-  elephant ear sponges, grunts, schoolmasters, sea      with lots of soft corals and tropical fish. Fabulous
rel sponges. A great drift dive. Angelfish, parrot-   plumes, and black loggerhead sponges all await        for snorkeling.
fish, wrasses, groupers, and permits are common.      you here. Caution: Surgy.
                                                                                                            D & B BARGE A newer wreck that looks like it has
                                                      OYSTER BARGE to 100’ A barge in excellent             been on the bottom for a long time.
                                                      shape, with many spiny oysters.
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