Page 231 - Florida and the US Caribbean Isles
P. 231

MARATHON The Heart of the Florida Keys has it         a dolphin encounter or other exciting interaction     sports, fine dining, a spa, and more, all at a superb
all! Centrally located to all of the Florida Keys,    as well. Located at MM 59.                            resort. Turn onto Duck Key at MM61. (800) 432-
Marathon makes a perfect home base for your                                                                 2242 (800) 432-2242
stay. Great fishing and beautiful beaches await       CURRY HAMMOCK STATE PARK A group of islands
you. Be sure to visit the Museum of the Florida       with great swimming, a playground, picnic ta-         CO-CO PLUM BEACH This tiny, natural beach has
Keys, and hike the nature trails at Crane Point.      bles, grills, and showers. A forest of thatch palms   few amenities, but it is the one beach that is dog
The diving, of course, is fabulous, especially at     is found here. For info, call (305) 289-2690 (305)    friendly. Baggies provided. Located at MM 54.5,
Sombrero Reef, which teems with coral reef life.      289-2690 Located along both sides of US High-         ocean side.
This is a superb area to learn how to dive with one   way 1 starting at Mile Marker 56.2. Entrance is on
of Marathon’s expert scuba shops                      the ocean side of US Highway 1.                       LOWER KEYS A Natural Escape! Geologists note
                                                                                                            that the characteristics of the Lower Keys are sim-
MARATHON POINTS OF INTEREST:                          CAPTAIN HOOK’S FISH PONDS Daily fish feeding          ilar to the Appalachian Ridge and may be a long-
                                                      at 4:00 pm. You will see sharks, rays, eels, tarpon,  removed part of it. Comprised of Big Pine Key, Ba-
SOMBRERO BEACH & REEF 12.6 acres of land-             snapper, groupers, and more. (800) CPT-HOOK           hia Honda Key (which has a mile of sandy beach),
scaped beach with walkways, picnics and roped         Located at Mile Marker 53 (11833 Overseas Hwy)        Summerland Key, Big Torch and Little Torch Keys,
swim area. It is rare to find such a nice beach in    in Marathon.                                          Cudjoe Key, Sugarloaf Key, and Big Coppitt Key. A
the Keys. Located at MM 50 on the ocean side.                                                               natural tropical wilderness where you can relax,
Offshore is a 140’ tall light tower surrounded by a   CRANE POINT Features a Museum of Natural His-         snorkel, scuba dive, kayak, fish, or ride a bicycle
shallow reef, teeming with coral reef life for snor-  tory, a Children’s Museum, nature trails, and the     through Key Deer country. The reefs are pristine
kelers or scuba divers who visit by boat.             Adderley House historic site. Located at 5550         in and around Looe Key for divers to enjoy. Big
                                                      Overseas Hwy, Marathon. (305) 743-9100 (305)          game fishing can also be on your agenda in the
DOLPHIN RESEARCH CENTER Expand your knowl-            743-9100                                              Lower Keys.
edge of and appreciation for marine mammals at
this marvelous non-profit learning center Behav-      HAWKS CAY RESORT, MARINA & VILLAS Duck
ior sessions and educational presentations about      Key features 61 acres of fabulous private-island
dolphins and sea lions are given with a chance for    atmosphere, with great fishing, all kinds of water
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