Page 4 - California Diving and Surfing
P. 4

Franko Maps Cards in this Flipbook

W e pushed it to the limit with the           and fun by dicing the cards to make larger     technology. The maps in this section are
        California Flipbook. Included are 23  maps that are easy to use and read. We also    disbursed throughout this massive under-
original Franko Maps cards covering Diving    take the text on the Franko Maps cards that    taking that that is almost 600 pages long.
from California to Monterey Bay; Surfing      describe the dive sites and surfing spots      You get all of the above and the Explore the
from San Diego to Ventura County and the      and slotted it into pages for easier reading.  Sea Module, thousands of hyperllinks and
Wine Country of California. All of the maps   We then added hyperlinks and lots of video.    tons of video!!!!!
are fully zoomable. We then made is easier    The California Flipbook is a work of art and
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