Page 6 - California Diving and Surfing
P. 6

Franko's Map & Kelp Forest Creatures                                                CRYSTAL COVE STATE PARK                                                                  RECREATIONAL SPOTS:
               Identification Guide for                                             Open 6 a.m. to sunset (949) 494-3539
                                                                                    Interpretive programs: (949) 497-7647                                       Best Surfing Spots:                                                           Best Swimming Areas:
                                                                                    To report poaching: (909) 443-2969                                                                                                                        Middle of Treasure Cove
  CRYSTAL COVE                                                                                                                                                  Best Scuba Diving:                                                            Historic District
UNDERWATER PARK                                                                     BASIC RULES & REGULATIONS                                                   Best Snorkeling:                                                              3.5 Cove
                                                                                                                                                                Kayak Launching/Beaching:                                                     Muddy Creek
                                                                                    All park features are protected. Do not disturb                                                                                                           El Moro Beach
                                                                                        or take rocks, shells, animal or plant life.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Best Tide Pools:
                                                                                    Dogs permitted on paved trails only, leash req'd.
                                                                                    No alcohol/No glass containers                                                                                                                            North End of Treasure Cove
                                                                                    No open fires/BBQs OK                                                       Paved Bike Path:                                                              Pelican Point
Sponsored by the Crystal Cove Alliance                                              Cliff & bluff climbing prohibited (stay on                                                                                                                Rocky Bight
                                                  developed paths)                                                                                                                                       Reef Point Area
                                                                                    No jumping or diving from rocks or cliffs
0 1/2 1 No launching or landing of motorized craft                                                                                                                                                     CAUTION: Ocean conditions may be

                                                                                                                                                                                                       hazardous. Be aware of surf, wind &
                                                                                                                                                                                                       currents. See lifeguard or park staff
                             Miles                                                                                                                              Migrating                              for direction and advice.

               0 1/2                                   1                                                                                           California Gray Whale                               Emergency: Dial 911
                               Kilometers                                                                                                     Southward late Fall & Winter,
                                                               CORSAIR Adv.
                                                               WWII Navy F4-U Corsair crash site (1947).                                            Northward in Spring

      S W SCALE                                                          All features protected.                                                                                                                                      For Crystal Cove State Park
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      back country trail details,see
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Franko's Map of the
                             Tide pool life & shells protected                      REEF POINT & SCOTCHMAN’S COVE 10’ - 60’                                                                                                           South Coast Wilderness
                             (take nothing). Recreational fishing                   Sandy beach entry to extensive reefs to 1000’+ offshore.
                        permitted per California Fish and                                                                                                                                                                      
      E        N Game 10664 (certain fish species                                            ROCKY BIGHT & CRYSTAL COVE 10’ - 45’
                                                                                              Path from Los Trancos parking to sandy beach                                        California
                             and lobsters in season).                                         south of Historic District. Excellent snorkeling.                                 Brown Pelican

               Common Dolphin CRYSTAL                      COVE          UNDERWATER                            PARK                                             PELICAN PT. & TREASURE COVE 10’ - 60’                                                       Little
                                                                                                                                                                Sandy beach entry. Kelp sometimes to 1000’
                                                                                                                                                          120’  offshore. Snorkeling northward to Cameo Shores.

Abalone Point                                                                                                   HISTORIC ANCHOR 10' - 18'
                                                                                                               1000 pound anchor from 1850's
                                                                                                               schooner found in San Francisco Bay                                                                                                                   Bat
                       HISTORIC ANCHOR 10' - 18' Beg.Aquariums                                                                                                     Garibaldi                                                                                 Treasure
                        1000 pound anchor from 1850's                    Scotchman's Cove             Sammy's      Shake Shack                                     (California                       60’               Pelican Point
                        schooner found in Newport Harbor                                 Split Rock                                                                                                   30’
                                                                                                                          The Beachcomber Café State Fish)                                                 18’                      3rd Reef          Reef
                 Elevators (The Point)                                                                PointCove                        Historic District                                                       12B'luff             2nd Reef                        CCaovvee
                                                                                                      3.5                                                                                                    Viewpoint                        Battleship
                                                                                                                                           1920's to 1940's                                                                                Reef Rock        C oBvlueVffiewPaptohinVt iewpoint
                                                                                    Viewpoint Reef          Rocky                           Beach Cottages                                                                            1st             r  e
                                                                                               Bluff     Ramp               

Boundary                                                                                                                              Davick                                                                                                   *  Ramp
                                               Muddy                     Stairpath                                 Bight                   *                                                                           Boardwalk                                    CAMEO
                Tunnel                         Creek                                                                                                               CovRaemp
               to Beach  El  Moro                                                                                                           TCraaLnnoyscoonsCrystal                                                                                                 SHORES
                                    Beach Ramp                                                                                                              Bluff
                                                                         PP                                                                                                                      Ramp
      to Laguna Beach
Park                                                                     Reef Point                                                                                                          PP                                                                         to
                             Campground El                 Muddy Canyon  Entrance                                                                                  PP                                                                                               Newport
                                 Site Morro                                                                    Handicap Parking in
                                              School                                                               Historic District                                                                                                                                 Beach

                               CRYSTAL COVE                              Crystal Cove State Park                     Tunnel Path to               P Pelican Point                                                      Newport
                                STATE PARK                                El Moro Canyon Entry                 Historic District & Beach      Los Trancos Entrance                                                      Coast
                                           P                             Park Headquarters                              Shuttle to              Entrance                                                                     Pelican Hill
                                                                          & Visitor Center                         Beachcomber Café                                                                                            Golf Club

                                           Copyright 2009
                                   Franko's Maps, LLC.
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