Page 133 - Visitor Guides
P. 133
Travel documenTs An application to extend length of stay must be made in person with an
A return or onward ticket, or other proof of onward transportation to a Immigration Senior Inspector on arrival or at Immigration Headquarters in
the City of Hamilton between 9:00 a.m. and noon on any working day – no
country to which the passenger has right of entry, is required of all visitors. appointment required.
Passports. A Passport is the document for entry into Bermuda and is Passengers who arrive with only a one-way ticket into Bermuda will not be
required of all visitors from countries that require a Passport for re-entry admitted unless prior Bermuda Immigration authorisation has been given.
purposes or for entry through another country to which the passenger has People wishing to enter Bermuda for the purpose of residence, employ-
right of entry. ment or for an indefinite period, will not be permitted to land unless they
have prior authorisation from Bermuda Department of Immigration
Proof of Citizenship and Identification. All travellers must carry with them authorities to do so.
proof of citizenship and personal identification (including government issued Visas. Nationals of the following countries require Bermuda entry Visas:
photo ID) relevant to a return to their own country or for re-entry through Afghanistan; Albania; Algeria; Angola; Armenia; Azerbaijan; Bahrain;
another foreign country, as required by Bermuda Immigration authorities. Bangladesh; Belarus; Bolivia; Bosnia-Herzegovina; Bulgaria; Burma;
This applies to adults and children travelling alone or with their parents. See Burundi; Cambodia; Cameroon; China (Peoples’ Republic of)*; Colombia;
‘Requirements for Children’ for additional notes on children travelling with an Congo (Brazaville); Congo (Kinsasha); Côte d’lvoire; Croatia; Cuba; Cyprus;
adult other than a parent and/or in the process of adoption. Republic of (northern part of); Djibouti; Dominican Republic; Ecuador;
Egypt; Eritrea; Ethiopia; Gambia; Georgia; Ghana; Guinea-Bissau; Guinea
Visitors from the USA must present a valid, machine-readable US Passport. (Rep. of); Haiti; India; Iran; Iraq; Jamaica; Jordan; Kazakhstan; Kenya; Korea
Visitors from Canada must present a valid machine-readable Passport. (Democratic People’s Rep. of); Kosovo (Serbia/Albania); Kuwait; Kyrgyzstan;
Lebanon; Lesotho; Liberia; Libya; Macedonia (Former Yugoslav Rep. of
Visitors from UK and Western Europe must present a valid, machine- Macedonia); Malawi; Moldova (Rep. of); Mongolia; Montenegro (Rep. of);
readable Passport of their country. Morocco; Myanmar (Burma); Nepal; Nigeria; Oman; Pakistan; Palestinian
Authorities; Panama; Philippines; Qatar; Romania; Russian Federation;
Rwanda; Saudia Arabia; Senegal; Serbia (Rep. of); Sierra Leone; Somalia;
NOTE: South Africa; Soviet Union (former); Sri Lanka; Sudan; Swaziland; Syria;
Tajikistan; Tanzania; Tunisia; Turkey; Turkish Rep. of N. Cyprus; Turkmenistan;
Uganda; Ukraine; United Arab Emirates; Uzbekistan; Venezuela; Vietnam;
Yemen; Yugoslavia (former Soc. Fed. Rep. of) and Zimbabwe.
s .EITHER "ERMUDA NOR 53 )MMIGRATION AUTHORITIES ACCEPT A NOTARISED COPY OF A * Holders of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Passports or
hospital birth certificate, or similar non-government document as proof of
citizenship. British National (Overseas) Passports do not require Visas for Bermuda.
Note: An exception will be made for a visitor who has a valid Passport and proof of a
s -ARRIED WOMEN WHOSE IDENTIlCATION DOCUMENTS ARE IN THEIR MAIDEN NAME BUT WHO right to reside in the United States, Canada or the United Kingdom. For an American
are travelling under their married name should also carry their marriage certificate resident, that means a Permanent Resident Card is required. A Canadian resident
or certified copy as further proof of identity. must have their Permanent Resident Card. A United Kingdom resident must be able
to show that no limit has been placed on his or her stay in the United Kingdom. Those
who require Visas to enter other countries on departure from Bermuda must have
those Visas prior to arrival in Bermuda.
Requirements for Children: (see also Proof of Citizenship and Identification,
above) Visa Waiver. Visas to enter Bermuda may be obtained from the Visa Section of the
British Embassy, the British High Commission or the British Consulate in the national’s
country. For more information visit, (search Passport and
Children travelling with an adult other than a parent must be in pos sess ion Visas). Or, you may apply for a Visa waiver via the Compliance Section, Bermuda
Department of
of a Passport of their country as specified above along with a letter from a
parent au thor is ing the adult to accompany the child for the trip. Immigration by including a copy of your Passport data to or A fee of $200 applies.
Parents of adopt ed children should be par tic u lar ly careful that they carry Cruise passengers requiring a Visa waiver should consult with their cruise line as
with them the proper doc u ments for their adopted children, especially special arrangements can be made.
if the children are of a different na tion al ty. Parents in the process of adopt- passenger Tax
ing children are advised not to leave their country with the children until All persons, visitors and residents alike, are taxable under the Miscellaneous
all the legalities and paperwork have been finalised. Taxes Act, 1976 (visit .
Children entering Bermuda for the purpose of adoption must be in Air Passengers $35 included with the airfare and collected in advance.
possession of documents from the Bermuda Department of Immigration Those in direct transit and children under 2 years exempt.
confirming they have been cleared for entry into Bermuda. Cruise Ship Passengers Between April 1 and October 30, $20 per passenger
for each period of 24 hours or any part thereof that the ship remains in
Length of Stay. Most bonafide visitors with a confirmed return ticket and Bermuda from the time it docks at its initial port of entry to the time when it
place of accommodation will have no difficulties with Bermuda Department departs from its last port of call in Bermuda, up to a maximum of $60.
of Immigration.
Passenger Cabin Tax $14 per passenger per night from May 1 to August
There is a special secondary Immigration control section at the airport to deal 31; $10 per night per passenger from September 1 to October 31.
with any arriving passengers who are in unusual circumstances. Bermuda
Immigration authorities may restrict the length of stay. For example, Passenger Taxes collected in advance by the cruise ship company. Children
passengers arriving with an open return ticket will have a time limit imposed under 2 years exempt.
upon them. Note: Fees quoted have been in effect since April 2008.