Page 134 - Visitor Guides
P. 134

H.m. cusToms, Bermuda                                          misuse of drugs acT
  Visitors entering Bermuda may bring in for their personal use and consumption:  Importation of, possession of, or dealing with unlawful drugs (including
                                                                 marijuana) is an offence. Anyone contravening this Act may be imprisoned or
  Duty free: personal clothing and effects including sports equipment,   fined heavily, or both. The Government of Bermuda is very concerned about
  cameras, golf bags, etc., also, 50 cigars, 200 cigarettes, .5 kgs (1.1 lbs)   the scourge of drugs and the negative impact it can have on the community.
  tobacco, 1 litre liquor, 1 litre wine, and a $30 gift allowance. Also, you may   The laws in Bermuda pertaining to the importation of drugs are designed to
  purchase duty free items upon landing at L.F. Wade International Airport.  protect the local people as well as the visitor. We urge visitors not to try to
  Dutiable items: Most goods in excess of reliefs are dutiable at the rate of   import into these islands any drugs, or any uncustomed goods for that
  25% of the value. Persons may import up to 20 lbs (9.08 kgs) of meat   matter, as such action could cause embarrassment at Bermuda’s L.F. Wade
  without a meat inspection certificate.                          International Airport or seaports and ruin what should be the start of a very
                                                                 enjoyable holiday. The penalties for smuggling are severe.
  Do not import plants, fruits, vegetables or animals without an import    Note: Under the Revenue Act Customs Officers may, if they have reasonable cause to
  permit from the Department of Environmental Protection. All plants, fruits   suspect the importation of drugs, conduct personal body searches for drugs and other
  and vegetables will be held for inspection as their importation is strictly   uncustomed goods. Visitors may import doctor prescribed medicines in quantities
  regulated.                                                     sufficient for their stay.

    and returned to the port of origin. There is no quarantine facility in Bermuda.  The importation of any firearm, part of a firearm or ammunition into Bermuda
                                                                 is forbidden, except under the authority of a licence granted by the
  s  "ERMUDA S lSHERIES LAWS PROHIBIT THE IMPORTATION OF ALL LIVE MARINE ANIMALS BY   Commissioner of Police. Such a permit will not ordinarily be granted except
    private individuals – they will be seized on arrival by Bermuda Customs.  to visiting rifle club members attending a sports meeting. Spearguns and a
                                                                 variety of weapons are treated as firearms, but antique weapons manufactured
  s  /NLY PREPARED FRESH  FROZEN OR COOKED lSH OR SHELLlSH CAN BE BROUGHT   over 100 years ago can be imported if the importer can show they are antique.
    into the Island providing the packaging is free of algae or seaweed.
                                                                 For yachtsmen, under the terms of this Act, a Very pistol or signal gun are
                                                                 classed as firearms.
  Note: Clearance of merchandise and sales materials for use by conventions   It is a serious criminal offence to import firearms or ammunition into Bermuda
  must be arranged in advance with the Bermuda Department of Tourism.   without a licence, and anyone seeking to do so may be imprisoned or fined.
  For more information visit
                                                                 general informaTion
  currency                                                       Baby Sitters Enquire in advance from the management of your visitor
  Legal tender is the Bermuda dollar, which trades equivalent to the US dollar.   accommodation for sitters and special services.
  US currency is accepted at shops, restaurants and hotels at equal (face)
  value. Other foreign currencies are not accepted, except at local banks   Beaches Lifeguards are stationed at Horseshoe Bay, May 1 –  October 31; at John
                                                                 Smith’s Bay, Clearwater Beach, Turtle Bay and Cooper’s Island, May 24 to Labour
  where they can be exchanged at rates that are set daily.
                                                                 Day. Lifeguard hours are daily, 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. All other public beaches are
  Cash (US) Accepted island-wide.                                unattended. There are no nude or semi-nude beaches in Bermuda.

  Cheque Cashing US cheques may be                               Communications Bermuda provides state-of-the-art telephone, fax, internet,
  cashed at some hotels or local banks by                        wireless and wireless roaming services. Check with your cellular provider to
  arrangement. The Bermuda Financial                             see if your wireless phone will work in Bermuda. Direct dialling is possible to
  Network will cash US$ cheques for a $10                        and from the Island. Worldwide and international prepaid calling cards can be
  + 5% fee at its Hamilton, Somerset and                         purchased locally. To call Bermuda, dial: 1 - 441 and the phone number.
  St. George’s locations, tel (441) 292-1799.                    Daylight Savings Time (DST) is from the second Sunday in March to the first Sunday
                                                                 in November.
  Credit Cards MasterCard, VISA and
  American Express are accepted at                               Electricity 110 volts, 60 cycles AC.
  virtually every store, restaurant and hotel.                   Hay Fever Bermuda’s climate is relatively favourable to hay fever sufferers.
  VISA and MasterCard may be used for                            Ragweed is non-existent and pollens of other weeds are quickly blown out to sea.
  cash advances at all local bank branches.
  In addition, the Bank of Bermuda and                           Hotel Check-out Time is generally 12 noon. Hotel Check-in Time is generally 3:00 p.m.
  the Butterfield Bank provide ATMs                               Hotel Taxes All room rates, regardless of meal plan chosen, will be subject to a
  located island-wide for MasterCard,                            7.25% Hotel Occupancy Tax (Government of Bermuda Tax), a 2.5% Tourism
  VISA, Cirrus and Plus cash advances,                           Guest Fee (Tourism Board Fee) and a 10% Service Charge, all of which are to be
  most of which are available 24-hours a day. Enquiries about American   paid in Bermuda upon check-out from your hotel.
  Express should be directed to the Bermuda Financial Network,    Legal Drinking Age for consuming alcoholic beverages in Bermuda is 18 years.
  tel (441) 292-1799.
                                                                 Standard Time in Bermuda is Greenwich Mean Time minus four hours.
  Travellers’ Cheques (US) Accepted island-wide.
                                                                 Tipping In cases where the gratuity is not included in the bill, 15% is the gen-
  Western Union The Bermuda Financial Network allows you to send or   erally accepted amount for most services. A large number of the hotels and
  receive money in minutes via Western Union money transfer services,    guest houses add a percentage or set amount per person per day in lieu of
  tel (441) 292-1799.                                            tips to the accommodation bill.
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