Page 136 - Visitor Guides
P. 136

There are lots of Bermuda-made articles including handcrafts, pottery,   BERMUDA DEPARTMENT OF TOURISM
  cedarware, blown glass, fashions and paintings by local artists. Browsing
  through picturesque shops will bring surprises, good values and many   Bermuda Department of Tourism
  souvenirs. Bathing suits, sports clothes and sun straws are other good buys   Global House, 43 Church Street
  and perhaps more fun to get while you’re in Bermuda.                 Hamilton HM 12
  visiTors’ duTy free allowances:                                      Tel: 441 292 0023
  usa, canada and uK

  Visitors to Bermuda are permitted to take back merchandise, duty free.   NORTH AMERICA

  US Customs and Border Protection has a preclearance facility in the
  L.F. Wade International Airport. All passengers departing to the US must fill   Tel: 1 212 818 9800 or 1 800 223 6106 (USA)
  out written declaration forms in Bermuda before clearing US Customs and   E-mail:
  Border Protection. These forms are available at travel agencies and airlines
  at the L.F. Wade International Airport in Bermuda.
  US Citizens’ Allowance (visit $800 after
  48 hours and every 30 days (exemption includes 200 cigarettes, 100   Tel: (0) 800 883 0857 (UK)
  non-Cuban cigars).
  Canadian Citizens’ Allowance (visit $200 after
  24 hours any time, $400 after 48 hours any time or 7 days any time.
  UK Citizens’ Allowance (visit £390 – Full value will be
  charged on goods over this value.

  Note: Plant materials which will propagate are not permitted entry without prior   For more information, additional brochures or to book
  permission from your own country. Also, it is advisable to check your own liquor laws   a Bermuda vacation you are welcome to call or visit:
  before coming to Bermuda.

  Remember, there is nothing to stop                                   1.800.bermuda (Monday – Friday, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. EST)
  anyone from buying more than their                         
  duty free allowance. The duty you
  pay is often very reasonable and
  makes it worthwhile.

  puBlic Holidays
  & calendar of

  Public Holidays observed by

  s   .EW 9EAR S $AY  'OOD &RIDAY
    Labour Day, Remembrance Day
    and Christmas Day

  There are also public holidays on:
  s  "ERMUDA $AY       -AY             -AY            -AY           Information contained in this brochure was compiled by the Bermuda Department
  s  .ATIONAL (EROES  $AY   *UN             *UN            *UN           of Tourism and was correct at the time of production, May 2013. Please note that
  s  %MANCIPATION $AY   !UG            *ULY            *UL           the information contained within is subject to change without notice. Use other
  s  3OMERS  $AY       !UG            !UG            *UL           resources such as contacting hotels directly, your local travel professional and visiting
  s  "OXING $AY        $EC             $EC            $EC  to ensure you have updated information.
                                                                   Information and images contained within this brochure may not be reproduced in
  Note: On public holidays and Sundays in Bermuda all businesses, some shops and   any form without the permission of the Bermuda Department of Tourism, Creative
  restaurants close. Buses and ferry boats operate on limited schedules. However,    Services Office, Global House, 43 Church Street, Hamilton HM 12, Bermuda.
  entertainment, sightseeing and sporting activities are available.
                                                                 Reproducing or copying this brochure in any form and the selling of it is prohibited.
  Calendar of Events. In addition to our signature events, Bermuda has   This material is distributed by the Bermuda Department of Tourism on behalf of
  something to offer her visitors all year. There are many events that are   the Bermuda Government. Additional information is available at the Department of
  vacation highlights, some are spectator events while others welcome visitor   Justice, Washington, D.C.
  participation. Visit our website
  endar/ for a complete listing.                                 BDOT/J05486/5.13/IP/85M/1078   Printed in Bermuda by Island Press
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