Page 206 - Visitor Guides
P. 206


                     15. Central Park                                   18. Carvajal Tristán Bank

                          In 1868, in light of the recently           The structure is occupied by Carvajal Tristán Bank (BCT).
                           inaugurated water system in San            It was built at the end of the 19th century and is a great
                           José, a fountain was erected in the        example of the influence of Art Nouveau on Costa Rican
                           main San José plaza, sheltered by          structures of the time.
                           metal beams brought from England.          The building, made of brick with beautiful finished
                           In 1885, the park was remodeled            woodwork inside, adds to the attractiveness of Barrio
                          again in order to improve the look of       Carmen and is presently one of the few examples of this
                        the urban landscape of the capital and        type of architecture that still exists in San José.
                      was converted into Central Park. The park is
                   the heart of the city where the country’s highways
         come together and thousands of pedestrians use it as their                           19. La Chola
         starting point en route to their daily activities.

                                                                                            This bronze work of art was
                                 16. The Street Sweeper                                     made by the artist Manuel

                                 Made by the sculptor, Edgar                                Vargas as part of  the “Art
                               Zúñiga, it was erected in                                    in Public Space” project,
                              Central Park in 2003. It is in                                sponsored by the City of San
                              honor of all the city workers in                              José since 2003. “La Chola”
                              San José, who we see                                          was erected in 2004.
                              cleaning the city’s parks
                              and streets.

                     17. Melico Salazar Popular Theater                      20. Monument to the farmer

                                                                             This work of art by Fernando Calvo is dedicated to
                                                                            the man of the earth, the backbone of the country,
                           Its construction was completed in                                       the untiring worker
                           1928 by the designer José Fabio                                         that has always been
                            Garnier. In the beginning it was                                       among us, the farmer
                            called Raventós Theater, because                                       of the Central Valley. It
                            of the last name of the owner, and                                     received the “Aquileo
                           it offered motion-picture shows.                                        Echeverría”  award
                          In the 1980s, to offer homage to                                         from the Ministry of
                        Manuel “Melico” Salazar, one of the                                        Culture, Youth,
                      most recognized Costa Rican opera stars,                                     and Sports in
                  its name was changed as well as the type of                                      1982.
        shows, making room for more popular art forms.
                                                                          USEFUL ADVICE!
        Theater: Guided tours by appointment.
        Events: See marquee.                                               When changing your money, use banks or
        Tel.: (506) 2221-4952 / 2233-5424                                  authorized money exchange outlets. For
                                                                           bank transactions, you will have to present
                                                                           your original passport.
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