Page 211 - Visitor Guides
P. 211
14. The Lic. Tomás Soley
Güell Bust 17. Morazán Park and the Music Chapel
(Spain Park) 1875-1943.
Completing his studies in Europe,
he held various public offices and Morazán Park was the heart of San José
headed two newspaper social and political life at the end of
publications of the time. He the 19th century, and it was where,
fought for liberal principles for decades, New Year celebrations
and the common good. were held until they were moved to
González Víquez Plaza in 1930.
15. Effigy of General Francisco Morazán A very traditional activity was the
(Morazán Park) 1792-1842 “Saludo” that San Jose residents would
do on New Years, as well as the popular
A Honduran patriot and statesman, he was the most illuminating
figure of the Federalist cause in Central America in the first half musical concerts in the city. For this reason, in
1920 a better building was erected with improved
of the 19th century. Exiled in South America, he sought architecture and acoustics, named the Music Chapel.
help in overthrowing Braulio Carillo and took over as
Chief of State, but a revolt overthrew him.
16. The Metal Building 18. The Lic. Julio Acosta García Monument
(Morazán Park) 1872-1954
He held various public posts including President of the
The Metal Building is a symbol of Republic from 1920-1924. During his term he stabilized
the public education system pushed the currency, and created the Comptroller General
forward by the liberal Costa Rican of the Republic in order to control public spending. He
State at the end of the 19th century. also established the Land and Colonization Law,
Just like Morazán Park, it was which helped families with limited resources. He
constructed over a swamp, which was participated in the meeting that formed the UN.
filled and dried, by means of a contract
signed with a Belgium factory. It was
constructed with iron that was brought by 19. The Lic. Mauro Fernández Acuña Bust
sea in pieces to be assembled in the country. (Morazán Park) 1843-1905
Since the beginning of the 20th century, this building
has housed two primary schools under names associated with He was the maestro that designed the learning system in Costa
education, Buenaventura Corrales and Julia Lang. Rica. He proposed a re-structuring of the State, which
For more information: would make it responsible for education. He was declared
Tel.: (506) 2222-0026 / Fax: (506) 2257-9661 “Benemérito de la Patria” in 1955.
If you use taxi services, make sure that it In case of emergency, call 911
shows the yellow triangles on the doors from any phone.
and that it has a working meter.
Morazán Park
Metal building