Page 214 - Visitor Guides
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                                 6. The Lic. León Cortés Castro             9. Monument dedicated to the Journalist Otilio Ulate Blanco
                                 Monument. 1882-1946                        (Southwest corner of la Sabana) 1891-1973

                              He held various publics offices            A journalist, a city official of San José, and the president of the
                              and stood out as president of the         Republic from 1949-1953, his government was characterized
                              Republic (1932-1936) for                  by his honest handling of public funds. He created the Central
                                                                        Bank and the important laws related to the economic
                              the different infrastructures             well being of the country. He was named ”Benemérito
                              he created.                               de la Patria” in 1974.

                      7. La Sabana Metropolitan Park
                                                                      10. La Salle Natural Science Museum

                           What is today known as La Sabana           Located within the Ministry of
                           Park was declared a historical             Agriculture  and Livestock building
                           landmark on January 30, 2001. It           in La Sabana south, the museum
                           was donated by the priest, Manuel
                          Antonio Chapuí de Torres, in 1783,          possesses various displays of historic
                         as a recreational place for Costa            and scientific significance. It has
                        Ricans.                                       more than 70,000 displays on exhibit
                      On March 22, 1834, Costa Rica                   in areas such as Paleontology, Geology,
                  authorized the City of San José to make several     Malacology (some  14,000 samples),
         lots available, which were in the area of “Mata Redonda”. By   Invertebrates (a unique collection of some 14,000
         1953, executive powers decreed on June 16 that La Sabana     specimens), fish, reptiles, birds, and mammals. A trip through
         area be called, from then on out, “the sports and recreational   this museum is worth the experience.
         city.” Currently La Sabana includes the National Gymnasium   Tel.: (506) 2232-1306 • Fax: 2232-5179
         Stadium where important sports events and activities have    Hours: Mondays to Saturdays, from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
         been held. It also includes soccer fields, tennis courts,
         basketball courts, baseball diamonds, and an Olympic-size    Sundays:  9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
         pool. It is a recreational area where citizens play sports and
         families gather together on the weekends.
                                                                      11. Rafael Francisco Osejo School

                      8. The ICE History and Technology
                        Museum                                        Located on the southwest side
                                                                      of la Sabana Park, the school
                                                                      is a beautiful structure of solid
                           Located 4 blocks north of the central      concrete and brick, built in
                           ICE offices, Sabana north, the
                           museum’s goal is to share the history      1940. Its architectural style is
                           and development of the electrical          simple and reflective of some
                           and telecommunications services,           Victorian style elements. The school
                          highlighting the ICE’s  technological       goes by the name Rafael Francisco
                        and socioeconomic contributions to the        Osejo, a very influential Nicaraguan
                      country.                                        within the Costa Rican educational system
                  Tel.: (506) 2220-7656 / 2220-6387                   at the beginning of the 19th century, who was the first
         Fax: 2290-4896  •                          director of the Saint Tomas Learning Center. It is the only
         Hours: Mondays to Fridays, from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.       school still operating in the district.
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