Page 210 - Visitor Guides
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8. The Jiménez Apartments 10. The Jade Museum
This building is a valuable structure Located on the lower level of the National Insurance Institute
designed by the architect Teodorico (Instituto Nacional de Seguros, INS), the Jade museum exhibits the
Quirós and constructed by the engineer largest collection of Pre-Colombian Jade in the Americas. Presently,
José Francisco Jiménez Ortiz in the it has a modern exhibition room floor plan, allowing national
beginning of the 1940’s. It is a building and foreign visitors easier access to the rich archeological wealth
that brings together basic European trends that this museum holds, preserves, and displays. The collection
in architectural design, apparent within contains artifacts in ceramic, stone, bone, shell, wood, and
structures in the country from the end of the other materials in its permanent, as well as its seasonal exhibition
19th century until the middle of the 20th century. rooms.
This building is representative of the structures of that Tel.: 2287-6034 • Fax: 2255-3456 •
time with great architectural and historical value. Hours: Mondays to Fridays, from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Saturdays, from 09:00 a.m. to 1:00 pm.
9. The Yellow House, the Foreign 11. The Family Monument
Ministry. Located at the entrance to the Natio-
nal Insurance Institute, it was created
In 1912, Andrew Carnagie donated by the Costa Rican sculptor Francisco
funds to build the San José branch of the Zúñiga at the request of the Executive Pre-
Central American Justice Court, which sident of the institution. It repre-
was completed in 1916. The new sents a busy, hard working,
building’s facade has an ornate lintel and humble family. It was
with baroque influence. When the Court unveiled in April, 1978.
was dissolved in 1919, the building was
passed to the hands of the State. At times, 12. Spain Park
it was the Presidential House and housed the
Legislative Assembly for a few months. However, from
its inception to the present, “the Yellow House” as it is popularly Also known as Expression Park, it is one of the city’s oldest
known, has principally been the home of the Foreign Ministry parks. It forms an architectural bond with the Buenaventura
(formerly the Secretary). The building also houses the “Marqués Corrales School and the National Liquor Factory building.
Manuel María Peralta” Museum, who was one of the most It is outlined by wide paths. Painters and national artists
important Costa Rican diplomats. used to come together on Sundays to sell or create their
Open to the public: Mondays to Fridays, from 8:00 a.m. to works of art.
4:00 p.m.
Guided tours: once a week, by appointment.
Tel.: (506) 2223-7555 / Telefax: (506) 2257-9062 13. The Rafael Barroeta Baca Bust
(Spain Park) 1813-1880. He was
a member of the Republic’s Board
organizers. He was to hand down his
wealth to his offspring, but because he
didn’t have any, the Housing Ministry
managed his funds which were used
for young people. He was
considered a benefactor for
the youth.