Page 110 - Hawaii: Diving, Surfing, Pearl Harbor, Volcanoes and More
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Ko Olina Golf Club 18 holes, resort course at Kapolei 676-5300 courses: “The Palmer Course”, 18 holes; “The Fazio Course”, 9 holes
Koolau Golf Club 18 holes, public championship course in Kaneohe
236-4653 Waikele Golf Club 18 holes, public course in Waipahu 676-9000
Luana Hills Country Club 18 holes, championship course in Kailua West Loch Golf Course 18 holes, municipal course at Ewa Beach
262-2139 293-2000
Makaha Resort Golf Club 18 holes, resort course 695-7519 HAWAIIAN RAILWAY SOCIETY Educational operating railway
museum. Sunday train rides. Tel. 681-5461
Makaha Valley Country Club 18 holes, public course 695-9578
PEARL HARBOR, a naturally formed safe haven, is the home of
Mililani Golf Club 18 holes, public course 623-2222 the U.S. Navy in Hawaii. The USS ARIZONA MEMORIAL honors
the more than 1100 men who died aboard the ship in the infamous
Moanalua Golf Club 9 holes, open to public after 1 p.m. 839-2411 attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. This attack drew the
United States into World War II. The memorial spans like a bridge
New Ewa Beach Golf Club 18 holes, semi-private course 689-8351 across the mid-section of the sunken battleship. Info: 422-2771. The
battleship USS MISSOURI, also known as “THE MIGHTY MO”, is
Olomana Golf Links 18 holes, public course, just past Sea Life Park a museum and memorial berthed at Ford Island. It was right on her
259-7926 deck that the WWII surrender was signed in 1945. Reservations: Tel.
973-2494. Next to the U.S.S. Arizona Visitor Center and Theater, be
Pali Golf Course 18 holes, municipal course in Kaneohe 293-2000 sure to visit the USS BOWFIN SUBMARINE MUSEUM and PARK,
which is a tribute to its service distinction and to submariners. Info:
Pearl Country Club 18 holes, public course with Pearl Harbor over- 423-1341. The PACIFIC AVIATION MUSEUM on Ford Island has a
look 487-3802 fubulous display of historic aircraft in an old hangar.
Royal Kunia Country Club 18 holes, semi-private course 688-9222
Ted Makalena Golf Course 18 holes, municipal course in Waipahu
Turtle Bay Resort Golf Club Resort on the North Shore with two