Page 115 - Hawaii: Diving, Surfing, Pearl Harbor, Volcanoes and More
P. 115
KAHANA VALLEY STATE PARK: Off Kamehameha Highway in return after an all-day adventure. TheBus is so efficient that many
Kahana. Scenic wild valley, beach activities, picnicking, camping, tourists don’t even bother to rent a car.
hiking, and pig hunting.
MALAEKAHANA STATE RECREATION AREA: At Kamehameha es to enjoy bird- watching. Includes red-footed boobies, great frigate
Highway north of Laie. Wooded beach park, camping and lodging. birds, red-tailed tropic birds, Hawaiian duck, and plover.
SEA LIFE PARK Dolphin shows, sea lions that like to ham it up for
SAND ISLAND STATE RECREATION AREA: At the end of Sand the audience, penquins, a huge reef tank full of fish, and learning
Island Access Road near Honolulu Harbor entrance. Beach park, programs. Various marine animal encounters available. Phone 259-
camping and fishing. 7933 Dedicated to marine preservation and education.
COUNTY PARKS: There are 15 County parks marked with a “ “ WAIMANALO BAY Oahu’s longest sandy beach. Snorkeling
that allow camping with a permit. For permit information call: 523- amongst tropical fish and colorful corals in a shallow, reef-protected
4525. bay.
NUUANU PALI LOOKOUT The views of Oahu’s windward side and HANAUMA BAY STATE UNDERWATER PARK Fabulously beauti-
the spectacular Pali (near-vertical cliffs) are absolutely breathtaking. ful beach with a calm inner reef and tame tropical fish. The outer reef
The lookout is the site where King Kamehameha defeated Oahu has coral gardens, green sea and hawksbill turtles, and reef fish. The
Chief Kalanikupule by forcing his opponents off the cliff. This bat- bluff above the bay has a great new visitor center which educates
tle was pivotal in uniting the Hawaiian Islands under Kamehameha. visitors about reef life. Closed Tuesdays.
Nuuanu Pali State Wayside has a dense rain forest.
AERIAL TOUR Thrilling and beautiful tours via HELICOPTER, BI-
KAILUA BEACH & PARK One of the world’s top-rated beaches. PLANE, and SEAPLANE are available. Contact: Makani Kai Heli-
Sailboards, kiteboards and kayaks can be rented. Lessons available. copters at 834-5813; Stearman Biplanes Rides at 637-4461; Island
Turquoise waters are protected from big waves by outer reef and Seaplane Service at 836-6273. Or ask a tour coordinator at any activ-
shallow water. Trade winds on this great family beach. ity center. NOTE: All “things to see and do” depicted on this map are
genuine favorites of Franko and friends. There is no paid advertising
The Bus: Information Line: 848-5555 See Oahu as a relaxed passen- on this map. Use this map and our recommendations at your own
ger instead of as a driver. Get around the island most economically risk. We make no warranties expressed or implied. Therefore, if you
by taking TheBus. A quarter of a million riders use TheBus every day decide to jump out of an airplane, you are on your own! For more
traveling to and from it’s 4000 stops on almost 6 dozen lines. To cir- information about my maps visit Your com-
cle the island you can take off from Ala Moana Shopping Center and ments and suggestions for improvements are welcome.