Page 111 - Hawaii: Diving, Surfing, Pearl Harbor, Volcanoes and More
P. 111
ALOHA STADIUM Home of the University of Hawaii Rainbow mond Head Crater, through a dark tunnel, and out to a postcard-
Warriors, and Oahu’s largest swap meet (6a.m. - 3p.m. Wed., Sat., pretty view of Waikiki’s skyline, the ocean below.
Sun.). BISHOP MUSEUM The premier exhibitor and guardian over
the natural and cultural history of Hawaii and the Pacific Islands. Ar- KOKO CRATER: Straight up 1000’ elevation gain on a 2500’-long,
tifacts of Hawaiian culture include royal clothing & weapons. There old narrow-gaue military railway track to the summit for views that
is also a Planetarium. A “Must See” for museum buffs. QUEEN are impossible to beat. This is a very strenuous untimate stairmaster!
EMMA SUMMER PALACE Formerly a summer retreat for Hawai- MANOA FALLS: Starting at the top of Manoa Drive, this trail winds
ian royalty, this palace has King Kamehameha IV and Queen Emma’s far above the Waikiki skyline and Diamond Head through a lush rain
family belongings. Info: 595-3167. forest amid tropical flora and birds. 1.5 mi. ahead is a waterfall and
a pond.
PUNCHBOWL CRATER The National Memorial Cemetery of the
Pacific is the resting place for over 38,000 casualties from WWII, the MAKAPUU LOOKOUT: Where the windward side of Oahu begins,
Korean and Vietnam Wars. A shrine commemorates the missing-in- you will find the Makapuu Lighthouse. A trail leads up to the top of
action. The rim of this crater provides an incredible view of the city a 750 ft. (229m) volcanic peak with fabulous views up the windward
of Honolulu. For further information call: 532-3720. coast.
UNIVERSITY OF HAWAII The Manoa Campus is the flagship of TANTALUS and ROUND TOP TRAILS: The drive around Tantalus
the UH System, home of the Rainbow Warriors and the East-West and Round Top goes to a dozen-plus trails above Makiki Valley over-
Center, and is famous for marine biology. looking Waikiki, Honolulu, and Diamond Head. The views are unbe-
lievable and the feel and fragrance of the rain forest is unforgettable.
WATER SPORTS Jetskiing, parasailing, waterskiing, wakeboarding,
banana boats and bumper tubes, glass bottom & scuba boats are all KAENA POINT: Far from civilization, the Kaena Trail begins at the
available at Koko Marina. end of Farrington Hwy. beyond Yokohama Bay, as well as at the end
of Farrington Hwy. in Mokuleia. From either trailhead to the point is
LYON ARBORETUM At the end of Manoa Road above Waikiki, on a round trip of 5 miles (8.1 km).
194 acres is a world-famous collection of over 5000 species of tropi-
cal plants. This academic resource conducts regular classes.
DIAMOND HEAD: Steep, but short hike up the inner wall of Dia-