Page 116 - Hawaii: Diving, Surfing, Pearl Harbor, Volcanoes and More
P. 116

SIDE 2 – OAHU SOUTH SHORE                               WAIALAE AVE. and turn right.  This becomes KALANIANAOLE
                                                              HWY.  Hanauma Bay is 8 mi. ahead.
      HOU ROUTE - H-1 Freeway to PUNAHOU (Exit 23), go right 1  H-1 FREEWAY ROUTE - Go down ALA WAI BLVD.  Turn at the
      block, turn right on S. BERETANIA, go 1/2 block & turn left on   first right onto MCCULLY ST. and cross over bridge.  Take an im-
                                                              mediate right onto KAPIOLANI BLVD. and go 1.2 mi. and turn left
      KALAKAUA AVE., continue to Waikiki.                     onto the H-1 FREEWAY ONRAMP.  The freeway ends and becomes
                                                              KALANIANAOLE HWY., which goes to Hanauma Bay and beyond.
      H-1 to KING ST. ROUTE - H-1 Freeway to KING ST. (Exit 25B), exit  MAKAPUU POINT  You and your friends will enjoy trekking up
      and go straight through past KAPIOLANI BLVD.  Get in right lane,  to this point at 647’ (197m) elevation to watch the sunrise and to
      go under the freeway, & turn right at the 2nd light onto KAPAHULU  see the magnificent view of the windward side of Oahu.  Makapuu,
      AVE.  This ends at the beach at KALAKAUA AVE.  The Honolulu  which means “bulging eye” in Hawaiian is approached by a paved
      Zoo will be on the left.  Turn right onto either ALA WAI BLVD. or   access road and parking lot leading to a relatively easy 20-minute
      KUHIO AVE.                                              hike.   Makapuu Beach below is another great bodysurfing spot for
                                                              the locals.  The lava flow here is only 25,000 years old and was Oahu’s
      NIMITZ HWY. ROUTE - (Heavy traffic, stops, & lights) - Take  most recent eruption.
      NIMITZ  HWY.,  which  turns  into  ALA  MOANA BLVD.,  &  dead
      ends at KALAKAUA AVE.  Turn right at KALAKAUA AVE.  This  MAKAPUU POINT  You and your friends will enjoy trekking up
      route goes through  Honolulu, past Aloha Tower Marketplace, Ward  to this point at 647’ (197m) elevation to watch the sunrise and to
      Warehouse, Ward Centre and Ala  Moana Shopping Center.    see the magnificent view of the windward side of Oahu.  Makapuu,
                                                              which means “bulging eye” in Hawaiian is approached by a paved
      GETTING BACK TO THE AIRPORT (or toward PEARL HAR-       access road and parking lot leading to a relatively easy 20-minute
      BOR): Refer to KING ST. and NIMITZ HWY. ROUTES above, but  hike.   Makapuu Beach below is another great bodysurfing spot for
      do the steps in reverse.                                the locals.  The lava flow here is only 25,000 years old and was Oahu’s
                                                              most recent eruption.
                                                              SPORT FISHING  Kewalo Basin is the sport fishing capital of Oahu.
      DIAMOND HEAD ROUTE - Take KALAKAUA AVE. past Kapio-     For a big game fishing charter with one of Hawaii’s best skippers,
      lani Park, toward Diamond Head to stop sign.  Turn right onto DIA-  contact Capt. Lee Severs at Sea Verse Sport Fishing (808) 262-5587,
      MOND HEAD RD.  Just past the seaward side of the crater, take the  or Capt. Russel Tanaka at Magic Sport Fishing (808) 596-2998, or
      right fork onto KAHALA AVE.  Turn left at LEPAIO, go to KILAU-  simply “walk the dock” in the evening hours.
      EA AVE. and turn right.  Go to the light just before the freeway at
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