Page 117 - Hawaii: Diving, Surfing, Pearl Harbor, Volcanoes and More
P. 117
DIAMOND HEAD STATE MONUMENT “Leahi” in Hawaiian is SEA LIFE PARK Dolphin shows, family fun. Dedicated to marine
Hawaii’s most famous landmark. It is a 100,000 year-old volcanic conservation & education.
tuff cone. A steep trail up the inside wall of crater leads to spectacu- ANDY BEACH PARK Bodysurfing, bodyboarding in neck-busting
lar view of Waikiki and outer islands from it’s summit on a clear day. shore-break. Caution: Advanced surfers only. Tourists should stay
Go early in the morning. out!
KAKAAKO WATERFRONT PARK World class bodysurfing site, HALONA BLOW HOLE Ocean swells surge into lava tube & spout
promenade, picnicking, and amphitheater. up 50 ft. (16 m) high. Scenic lookout features whale watching in sea-
son, and the “From Here to Eternity” Beach at Halona Cove.
HONOLULU HARBOR Cruise ship terminal for all passenger lines
at piers 10 & 11 by Aloha Tower. Catamaran & dinner cruises at pier HANAUMA BAY STATE UNDERWATER PARK This beautiful
8. crescent beach formed when the sea eroded one side of a volcanic
tuff cone. The calm shallow inner reef of Hanauma Bay is a family
ALOHA TOWER MARKETPLACE Landmark at pier 9 with wa- favorite snorkeling spot. Note, the park is closed Tuesdays to give the
terfront shopping, outdoor dining, enter- tainment, and Honolulu tropical reef creatures a rest. Advanced snorkelers enjoy the deeper
Harbor views. waters beyond the inner reef.
HAWAII MARITIME CENTER Ancient & modern Hawaiian mari-
time and surfing history. Features the ocean canoe “Hokulea”, & the
4-masted schooner “Falls of Clyde”. Site was once Kamehameha IV’s
IOLANI PALACE The Royal Palace of Hawaii’s Monarchy. This is
the only royal palace in the United States. Royal Hawaiian Band free
concerts every Fri. at noon. Guided tours available Tues.-Sat. Reser-
vations recommended - tel. 522-0832
CHINATOWN Lei shops, open air markets, “pake” stores, fish auc-
tion, & Chinese culture.
KAKAAKO WATERFRONT PARK World class bodysurfing site,
promenade, picnicking, and amphitheater.