Page 126 - Hawaii: Diving, Surfing, Pearl Harbor, Volcanoes and More
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HOP OVER TO LANAI Take a day excursion to Lanai, once the The Halemauu Trail to Holua Cabin and back is 16 miles round trip.
world’s largest pineapple plantation, now home to two swank resorts Kipahulu There are great trails in the Kipahulu end of Haleakala Na-
with championship golf courses. Take the 45-minue Lahaina-Lanai tional Park. An easy family hike is the half-mile loop Kaloa Point
Passenger Ferry, which leaves Lahaina Harbor to Manele Bay for the Trail, which leads toward the ocean along pools and waterfalls from
9-mile crossing five times a day. (800) 695-2624 the ranger station. An adventurous 4-mile hike takes you to the 181-
foot Makahiku Falls and the 400-foot Waimoku Falls. Beware of flash-
MAUI TROPICAL PLANTATION This working plantation, located floods.
near Waikapu, grows the tropical fruits which have made Maui fa-
mous, including pineapple, sugar cane and papaya. The best way Polipoli Springs State Recreation Area An easy 5-mile well-marked
to view the plantation is via a 40-minute narrated tram ride around trail winds through the trees in the high altitude in the crisp air of
fields. (808) 451-6805 upper Kula.
SAIL TO LANAI Numerous snorkeling tours depart from Lahaina Hana – Waianapanapa Coastal Trail An easy 6-mile hike along a shore-
Harbor and head to Lanai’s beautiful reefs. Trilogy offers an all-day line trail. Go early before the sun heats up the black lava.
catamaran sail from Lahaina with breakfast, lunch and dinner. Snor-
kel, swim and beach comb at Hulopoe Beach, or take optional Jeep Keanae Arboretum An easy 2-mile hike through well marked wonder-
safaris, zodiac rides or eco-adventure kayaking. Children’s programs land of botanicals and forest. Bring a swim suit and mosquito repel-
available. Dolphin encounters and whale watching in season. Contact lent.
Trilogy at (808) 661-4734.
Guided Hikes For a guided trek through the natural beauty of Maui,
CORAL GARDENS Rich coral reef snorkeling site which serves as call Maui Eco Adventures at (808) 661-7720
a Molokini tour boat alternate dive site when it’s too windy. Lots of
turtles and fishes. HORSEBACK RIDING Numerous places to saddle up and ride on
Maui, include inside Haleakala crater via Pony Express Tours. (808)
FAVORITE HIKES: 667-2200 or (808) 878-6698 At the edge of the Upcountry rainforest
near Makawao your family can ride at Piiholo Ranch. (808) 572-1717
Hiking in Haleakala the weather at 10,000 feet changes suddenly. At Ulupalakua Ranch you can enjoy the quiet beauty of Maui and leave
Come prepared for cool temperatures (27 degrees Fahrenheit lower the crowds behind at Makena Stables. (808) 879-0244
than at sea level), high winds, rain and even snow in winter.
Haleakala National Park The easiest hike is the short Hosmer Grove
Nature Trail, just inside Haleakala National Park. For a challenge, hike
into the Haleakala Crater a mile or two down the Sliding Sands Trail.