Page 128 - Hawaii: Diving, Surfing, Pearl Harbor, Volcanoes and More
P. 128
HALEAKALA NATIONAL PARK The “biggest” visitor attraction NOTE: All “things to see and do” depicted on this map are genu-
on Maui is this 10,023-foot “dormant” (not extinct) volcano. The ine favorites of Franko and friends. There is no paid advertising on
drive up through the green Upcountry is worth it alone, but to peer this map. Use this map and our recommendations at your own risk.
into the inside of a volcano, which is big enough to hold Manhattan, We make no warranties expressed or implied. For more info about
at 3000 ft.deep 7.5 miles long and 2.5 miles wide, is an otherworldly Franko Maps visit Your comments and
experience. suggestions for improvements are welcome.
SUNRISE ATOP HALEAKALA Some claim a spiritual experience KOOLAU FOREST RESERVE This lush rainforest gets 70 inches of
watching the first light come across the Pacific to the top of the vol- rain per year along the coast and up to 300 inches a year up in the
cano. Bring plenty of warm clothes as morning temps in the 30s and mountains.
40s are common.
TWIN FALLS The first of many hikes on the Hana Highway. Banana
HALEAKALA NATIONAL PARK The “biggest” visitor attraction bread and fruits from the labors of the local folkscan be purchased at
on Maui is this 10,023-foot “dormant” (not extinct) volcano. The a little stand at the start of the trail.
drive up through the green Upcountry is worth it alone, but to peer
into the inside of a volcano, which is big enough to hold Manhattan, MAUI FACTS:
at 3000 ft. deep 7.5 miles long and 2.5 miles wide, is an otherworldly
experience. Area: 727 sq. miles (1896 sq. km)
Coastline: 120 miles (194 km)
SUNRISE ATOP HALEAKALA Some claim a spiritual experience E to W Length: 45 miles (73 km)
watching the first light come across the Pacific to the top of the N to S Width: 30 miles (48 km)
volcano. Bring plenty of warm clothes as morning temps in the 30s Population: 92,000
and 40s are common. High Spot: Haleakala, 10,023 ft (3055 m)
HUELO On a blind curve on mile marker 4 on the Hana Highway Molokini - 27 in (69 cm)/yr
is the turn-off for the almost forgotten community of Huelo. Once Lahaina - 13 in (33 cm)/yr
sporting a huge population, today only a few hundred live in the Kahului - 21 in (53 cm)/yr
handful of homes and bed and breakfast places overlooking the Puu Kukui - 400 in ( 1016 cm)/yr
windswept ocean. One reason to visit this remote region is the his- Hanawi Nat. Area - 365 in (821 cm)/yr
toric 1853 Kaulanapueo Church, an excellent preserved sample of
New England architecture transfered to Hawaii.