Page 127 - Hawaii: Diving, Surfing, Pearl Harbor, Volcanoes and More
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BICYCLING Maui is known for its famous “downhill cruise,” a 37- you glide over inaccessible remote canyons and waterfalls but you’ll
mile all downhill ride from the top of 10,000 foot Haleakala to sea come away with a real appreciation of the geology and geography of
level. Plenty of tour operators offer this exciting adventure. A fa- “The Valley Isle”. Check out “Blue Hawaiian” (800) 745-2583.
vorite sunrise tour is by Maui Downhill (800) 535-BIKE or (808)
871-2155. Road Riding on the Highway 30 bike path is excellent, MOLOKINI ISLAND Tour boats take snorkelers and scuba divers
especially on the West side. to one of the world’s most fabulous dive spots inside this 1/4 mi.
wide (400m) crater. Contact any tour desk on Maui.
PARASAILING For a bird’s eye view of the Maui coast line, sign up
for parasailing, a hybrid of parachuting and water-skiing, where you MAUI ATV TOURS Kick up some Maui dirt while enjoying
float through the air, suspended under a large parachute attached by acres of scenic Upcountry Ranchland. At Ulupalakua Ranch call
a towline to a speedboat. Parasailing tours are usually suspended Maui ATV Tour at (808) 878-2889. For Haleakala Ranch, contact
during whale season, which is December through April. Haleakala ATV Tours at (808) 661-0288.
BIG GAME SPORTFISHING Marlin (as big as 1200 lb.), tuna, ono, BAUTASTEIN This stone monument marks the spot where Nor-
and mahi mahi are caught in the waters surrounding Maui. Maui wegian ship Beta anchored in 1881. This was the first landing in
has some of the best big game fishing in the world. For a private Hawaii of Scandinavian emigrants recruited by the sugar planters
or shared charter with the best of the Maui skippers, call Capt. Jeff and the Hawaiian government to labor as field workers for the sugar
Kahl at Hotel Lima (8080) 283-2628 out of Maalaea, or Capt. Dave plantations.
Hudson at (808) 661-0338 out of Lahaina Harbor. Bottom fishing for
family fun call Strike Zone Maui at (808) 879-4485, out of Maalaea CAUTION: Watersports in Maui waters are often hazardous due
Harbor. to ocean conditions. Be aware of surf, wind and currents. See lo-
cal dive shop or surf shop experts and lifeguards for direction and
WHALE WATCHING Hawaii’s favorite visitors, the humpback advice.
whales, start arriving in the islands as early as November, but you’ll
most likely see them between December and late April. A great place TEDESCHI VINEYARDS AND WINERY On the grounds of Ul-
for spotting the giant leviathans is Papawai Point, along the Hono- upalakua Ranch you will find Maui’s only commercial winery. Stop
apiilani Highway (Route 30), just outside Maalaea in West Maui. by the tasting room to sample an array of locally grown wines. (808)
Snorkeling tours from Kihei to Molokini or from Lahaina to Lanai 878-6058
almost always spot humpbacks during whale season.
SEE MAUI FROM A HELICOPTER For an experience that will live
with you forever, see Maui from the air in a helicopter. Not only will