Page 195 - Hawaii: Diving, Surfing, Pearl Harbor, Volcanoes and More
P. 195

HAUNTED CAVERN (FINGERS)  20’ - 50’ (6 - 15m)  Beg. - Int. Boat  KAIWI POINT (FISH ROCK)  15’ - 60’  (5 - 18m)  Beg. - Int. Rocky
    dive, called “FINGERS” because of long lava finger ridges extending  shore dive with large boulders, finger coral, all kinds of tropical reef
    seaward.  Arches, caverns, valleys, unicornfish, surgeon fishes, many  rish, huge schools of black durgon and milletseed butterflies, reef trig-
    kinds of corals, green sea turtles.                       gerfish, whitetip reef sharks, manta rays, whale sharks.

    PENTAGON  10’ - 35’ (6 - 12m)  Beg. Excellent shallow boat dive.  OLD AIRPORT  20’ - 30’ (6 - 9m)  Beg. - Int. Entry on sand & pahooe-
    Excellent snorkeling with superb cavern  network.  Best fish variety in  hoe (smooth) lava 300’ (90m) N of parking lot. 2nd entry 750 further
    region.  Can be snorkeled from beach.                     N on pahooehoe shelf into 20’ (6m) deep water. Small caves & holes,
                                                              lionfish, cleaner wrasse servicing fishes, moray eels, eagle rays, manta
    ROBERT’S REEF  20’ - 60’+ (6 - 18m)  Beg. - Adv. Boat dive with lava  rays, lots of shellfish, on south side is lava archway.ast fisheries man-
    shelf, colorful coral heads, pyramid butterflies, sergeant majors, octo-  agement area zone - No collecting or feeding.
    puses, spinner dolphins.  Caution:  Deep drop-off, currents.
                                                              MANTA RAYS  20’ - 40’ (6 - 12m)  Beg. - Int. Boat night dive.  Fa-
    GARDEN EEL COVE  30’ -80’ (21 - 24m)  Beg. - Int. Beach or boat  vorite Kona Coast dive to view manta rays at night. Mantas to 14’ (5m)
    dive at Kona Internat’l Airport.  Rocky & sandy bottom  with garden  wingspan.  Excellent for scuba or snorkeling.  Dive magazine rates this
    eels, surrounding reef.  Great boat dive at night to see manta rays  amongst top 10 dives in the world.
    (Franko loved this dive).
                                                              MAGIC SANDS  Kona’s best bodyboarding at White Sands Beach –
    PYRAMID PINNACLE  65’ - 100’+’ (20 - 20m+) Int. - Adv. Boat dive  site of annual Magic Sands Bodysurfing Contest.  Good surfing at “The
    with rapid drop-off into clear, deep water, scattered boulders, scattered  Banyan” just north of beach.  Site of ancient surfing.
    coral heads, all kinds of reef fish in large numbers.  Note: Kona
                                                              FANTASEA REEF  12’ - 50’  (4 - 15m)  Beg. - Int.Boat dive.  Whitetip
    SUCK-EM-UP CAVERN  30’ - 60’ (9 - 18m)  Beg. - Adv. Boat dive  reef shark give site alternate name, “MANO
    with 100’ (30m) long lava tube with skylights.  Corals, Moorish idols,
    puffers, threadfin butterflies, trumpetfish, eels, lobsters, shells. Good  POINT”.  Large Christmas tree coral.  Large skylit cavern to south.
    cave for beginners.
                                                              LONG LAVA TUBE (AMPHITHEATER)  25’ - 40’ (8 - 12m)  Int. -
    TURTLE HAVEN/TURTLE PINNACLE to 60’ (18m)  Beg. - Int.  Adv. Boat dive off “RED HILL” area.  Entrance to 120’ (36m) long cave
    Beach or boat dives.  Both areas are haven to green sea turtles. Clean-  at 35’ (11m) depth.  Cave has sunlit holes.  Lots of fish, corals, nudi-
    ing station for turtles with rainbow cleaner wrasse. Parrotfish, octo-  branchs, cowries, pipefish, yellowmargin eels.  Lava walls with nooks
    puses, eels, scorpionfish.                                & crannies.
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