Page 196 - Hawaii: Diving, Surfing, Pearl Harbor, Volcanoes and More
P. 196

KEEI  15’ - 100’ (3 - 30m)  Beg. - Adv. Lava shelf entry just south  PUHI BAY  10’ - 60’ (3 - 18m)  Beg. - Int. Beach dive.  Good alternate
      of underwater park.  Clear water, colorful corals, many tropical reef  if Leleiwi is no good.  Small lava tubes, caves, walls, colorful cor-
      fishes, whitetip reef sharks, turtles, seastars, morays, garden eels in  als, green sea turtles, variety of tropical fish, invertebrates.  Caution:
      sand at 90’ (27m), stonefish.                           North swell, no good during & after heavy rain.

      MILOLII BAY 6’ - 65’ (2 - 20m) Beg. - Adv. Wharf or sand and rub-  RICHARDSON BEACH  <20’ (6m) Inside, to 100’+ (30m+) Outside
      ble beach entry.  Tide pools. Good snorkeling over shallow pahooe-  Beg. - Adv. Excellent snorkeling, beginner scuba or scuba tune-ups.
      hoe lava.  Small corals, lots of fish.  Marine Life Conservation Dis-  Also good  for bodyboarding.  Green sea turtles, sergeant majors,
      trict. Caution:  Boat traffic, currents on outside, surf.  trumpetfish, unicornfish, variety of surgeonfish, whales.  Caution:
                                                              North swell,  strong currents outside.
      PLACE OF REFUGE  0’ - 100’ (0 - 30m)  Beg. - Adv. Most diverse,

      accessible, excellent shore dive site on Hawaii.  Easy beach entry.  RAINBOW FALLS One of Big Island’s best waterfalls, best seen in
      Many reef fish, yellow tang, Moorish idols, achilles tang, green sea  morning.  Cave behind  falls where some say Kamehameha I buried
      turtles, crown of thorns seastars.  Sandy flats at 80’+ (24m+) Depth.  his father’s bones. LAVA FLOW DIVE  It is no longer possible to
      Caution:  This area is sacred - please be respectful!   scuba  dive the lava flow in bathtub-warm water 100’ (30m) from
                                                              molten shore.  Divers formerly witnessed the snapping, crackling,
      INSIDE ILLUSIONS  30’ - 80’ (9 - 24m)  Int. Boat dive with two  rumbling, bubbling water where lava invades the sea.  Scary!
      huge pinnacles, many canyons & holes inshore, lionfish, pipefish,
      rare yellowfin squirrelfish, razor wrasse, ghost shrimp, garden  eels,  PUNALU’U (BLACK SANDS)  5’ - 60’ (2 - 18m)  Beg. - Int. Beautiful
      tiger cowries.                                          Black Sands Beach with coconut palms & freshwater  lagoon.  Lots
                                                              of hawksbill turtles, colorful corals, reef fishes, moray eels.  Whales
      MILOLII BAY 6’ - 65’ (2 - 20m) Beg. - Adv. Wharf or sand and rub-  in Winter & early Spring.  Caution:  Waves & strong currents.  Good
      ble beach entry.  Tide pools. Good snorkeling over shallow pahooe-  surfing on S swells.
      hoe lava.  Small corals, lots of fish.  Marine Life Conservation Dis-
      trict. Caution:  Boat traffic, currents on outside, surf.

      LELEIWI 10’ - 70’ (3 - 21m) Beg. - Adv. Hilo’s best shore dive.  Six
      lava arches, large coral heads, variety of hard corals, all kinds of
      reef fish, green sea turtles, spinner dolphins, whales in Winter and
      Spring.  Caution:  North swell, strong currents.
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