Page 198 - Hawaii: Diving, Surfing, Pearl Harbor, Volcanoes and More
P. 198

OLD AIRPORT  20’ - 30’ (6 - 9m)  Beg. - Int. Entry on sand & pahooe-  POINT”.  Large Christmas tree coral.  Large skylit cavern to south.
    hoe (smooth) lava 300’ (90m) north of parking lot. 2nd entry 750’  CHIMNEY  6’’ - 70’ (15 - 21m)  Int. - Adv. Vertical lava tube may be
    further north pahooehoe shelf into 20’ (6m) deep water. Small caves &  entered at 60’ on calm days, exit at 6’.  Reef wall, lobsters, scorpionfish,
    holes, lionfish, cleaner wrasse servicing fishes, moray eels,  eagle rays,  colorful invertebrates, corals and sponges.
    manta rays, lots of shellfish, on south side is lava archway.
                                                              LONG LAVA TUBE (AMPHITHEATER)  25’ - 40’ (8 - 12m)  Int.
    KAILUA  20’ - 35’ (6 - 11m)  Beg. - Int. Easy beach entry at the South-  - Adv. Boat dive off “RED HILL” area.  Entrance to 120’ (36m) long
    ern little beach by pier.  Stay S of buoys  and boats.  Coral encrusted  cave at 35’ (11m) depth.  Cave has sunlit holes.  Lots of fish, corals,
    anchors, lava flats w/ shelves, nudibranchs, seastars, crabs, shrimp, oc-  nudibranchs, cowries, pipefish, yellowmargin eels.  Lava walls with
    topus, cardinalfish, whitetip reef sharks. Good night dive.   nooks  & crannies.

    MANTA RAYS  20’ - 40’ (6 - 12m)  Beg. - Int. Boat night dive.  Fa-  KEALAKEKUA BAY  5’ - 100’+  (2 - 30m+)  Beg. - Int. Easy sandy
    vorite Kona Coast dive to view manta rays at night. Mantas to 14’  beach entry.  Fabulously diverse dive area for snorkeling or scuba.
    (5m) wingspan.  Excellent for scuba or snorkeling.  Dive magazine  Huge sandy area to right.  Reef area to right.  All kinds of reef fish,
    rates this amongst top 10 dives in the world.             barracuda, ulua, eels, lobsters, octopuses, freshwater springs, turtles.

    PAHOEHOE BEACH PARK  15’ - 40’ (3 - 12m)  Beg. - Int. Enter at  KEEI  15’ - 100’ (3 - 30m)  Beg. - Adv. Lava shelf entry just S of under-
    tiny beach at north end of park.  Rocky, sandy bottom.  Blueline but-  water park.  Extremely clear water.  Colorful corals, many tropical reef
    terflyfish, green sea turtles, 7-11 crabs.  Caution:  Waves   fishes, whitetip reef sharks, turtles, seastars, moray eels, garden eels in
                                                              sand at 90’ (27m) depth, stonefish.
    MILE 4  5’ - 50’ (2 - 15m) Beg. - Int.  Boat dive or easy entry on rocky
    beach.  Common intraductory dive. Reef triggerfish (Humuhumu  PLACE OF REFUGE (TWO STEP)  0’ - 100’ (0 - 30m)  Beg. - Adv.
    Nukunuku Apuaa), Moorish idols.                           Most diverse, accessible, excellent shore dive site on Hawaii.  Easy
                                                              beach entry.  Many reef fish, yellow tang, Moorish idols, achilles tang,
    KAHALUU  to 30’ (9m)  Beg. - Int. Easy beach dive.  Possibly the best  green sea turtles, crown of thorns seastars.  Snorkelers see dolphins
    snorkeling in the State of Hawaii. Fed by fresh water spring, up to 10  here in the morning!  Sandy flats are at 80’+ (24m+) depth.  Caution:
    million gallons per day.  Almost always  calm.  Colorful corals, rock  This area is sacred - Please be respectful.
    formations, 100+ species of fishes, numerous  invertebrates, green sea
    turtles.  Beach with showers, restrooms, picnic.          INSIDE ILLUSIONS  30’ - 80’ (9 - 24m)  Int. Boat dive with two huge
                                                              pinnacles, many canyons & holes inshore.  Lionfish, pipefish, rare
    FANTASEA REEF  12’ - 50’  (4 - 15m)  Beg -Int. Boat dive.  Whitetip  yellowfin squirrelfish, razor wrasse, ghost shrimp, garden eels, tiger
    reef shark give site alternate name, “MANO                cowries.
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