Page 203 - Hawaii: Diving, Surfing, Pearl Harbor, Volcanoes and More
P. 203
WAIALUA WALL 10’ - 80’ (3 - 24m) Beg. - Adv. Boat dive. 3 Mi. (5 puses. Turtles. Palaegic fish
Km) long ledge. Coral covered. Cracks & caves. Reef fish. Turtles.
Lobsters. Moray eels LAND OF OZ 20’ - 70’ (6 - 21m) Beg. - Adv. Beach or boat dive.
Rugged lava reef with tubes, arches & caves. Lobster. Reef fish.
DEVIL’S ROCK 0’ - 90’ (0 - 27m) Int. - Adv.Boat dive. Rock sticks Octopuses. Whitetips. Site also called KEALOA STARS
out 5’ (1.5m). 1. 2 Mi. (.8 Km) off E end of airfield. Rock drops to
sandy bottom. Coral. Reef fish. Sea shells MAKAHA CAVERNS 20’ - 40’ (6 - 12m) Beg. - Int. Beach or boat
entry. Swim-thru lava Caves. Ledges. Overhangs. ”Tripod”, the
KAHUNA CANYON 35’ - 100’ (11 - 30m) Int. - Adv. Boat dive. 3-Finned Turtle. Triggerfish. Sqirrelfish. Whitetip reef sharks. Mo-
Bowl formation with 500’ (150m) long canyon on Eastern side ray eels. Octopuses.Coral. Spinner dolphins. Occasional manta tays
toward shore. Coral. Moray eels. Shells. Large pelagics. Crabs.
Lobsters TURTLE REEF 20’ - 45’ (3 - 14m) Beg. - Int. Boat dive near
cabanas. Good morning dive. Trench with reef life. Sanctuary for
KA’ENA POINT 20’ - 100’+ (6 - 30m+) Int. - Adv. Boat dive. Rarely turtles. Tons of tropical fish
visited due to strong currents, high surf & location. Pelagic species.
Lots of reef fish U’LUA CAVE (BLACK ROCK) 40’ - 86’ (12 - 26m) Int. - Adv. Boat
dive. Descend along wall to cavernous room at bottom. Squirrelf-
YOKOHAMA BAY Shortboard surfing on quick pitching, thick left ish. Octopuses. Tubastrae coral on cave ceiling. Many invertebrates.
tubes & mean rightpeaks in S & W swells. Crunching shorebreak ”Franz” the yellowmargin moray - largest one around. Whitetip
reef sharks may block cave entry. Bring dive light
YOKOHAMA BAY 0’ - 40’ (0 - 12m) Beg. - Adv. Aka: PRAY FOR
SEX BEACH Beach or rocky entry. Great snorkeling. Coralforma- AIRPLANE 65’ - 95’ Int. - Adv. (22 - 29m)Boat dive 1 Mi. (1.6 Km)
tions. Plentiful reef fish. Caution: Strong currents. High surf off Wai’inae Boat Harbor. Upside down Beech twin engine seaplane
sunk in 1986, then moved by Hurricane Iniki in 1992. Surrounding
MAKUA VALLEY RIDGE 30’ - 45’ (9 - 14m) Beg. - Adv. Beach reef rises to 65’ (20m).Humpback whales pass by in season
dive. Great visibility. Collapsed lava tube dhannel 250’ (75m) out.
Ridge extends due W. Many shells incl. snakehead cowries, mitre TURTLES 15’ - 35’ (5 - 11m) Beg. - Int. Boat dive. Good second
shells, helmet shells dive right off harbor entry. Coral-encrusted rock bottom. Sandy
areas. Swim throughs. lots of turtles. All kinds of moray eels. Trum-
KEA’AU CORNERS 35’ - 70’ (11 - 21m) Beg. - Adv. Beach dive to 1 pet fish. Urchins
Mile (1.6 Km) long ledge. Archways. Overhangs. Lobsters. Octo-