Page 208 - Hawaii: Diving, Surfing, Pearl Harbor, Volcanoes and More
P. 208

INTERNATIONAL MARKET PLACE Open air bazaar amongst      in S swell, waist high+
      tropical trees in heart of Waikiki. International food court.
                                                              WAIKIKI AQUARIUM Hawaii’s tropical sea life on display. Rare
      THREES Fabulous long right wall on a juicy summer south swell.   Hawaiian monk seals, green sea turtles, sharks, & living corals are
      Paddle out in channel                                   also on display.

      POPS Off Sheraton Waikiki. Long hollow rights, poor mushy lefts.   HONOLULU ZOO Great zoo with fabulous botanical display.Spe-
      Best at chest to head high. Fast inside section for shortboards  cial concerts & events.

      FIRST BREAK Needs overhead surf to show. Easy riding lefts and   WAIKIKI SHELL Acoustically great amphitheater for concerts.
      rights for longboards
                                                              KAPIOLANI PARK & BEACH A sandy beach with protective coral
      QUEENS Great first Hawaiian surfing experience. Best in S & SW   reef for snorkeling and swimming. Park has picnicking, softball,
      Summer swells at waist to shoulder high                 tennis, soccer, rugby, trails for jogging and bicycling.

      CANOES Waikiki’s main surf break. Outrigger surfing. Easy, slow   OAHU SOUTH SHORE
      waves. Best in Summer in all southerly swells
                                                              SAND ISLAND STATE RECREATION AREA End of Sand Island
      DUKE KAHANAMOKU STATUE Father of modern surfing, and    Access Rd.. Coastal Park. Picnicking. Camping. Small beach. Boat
      the Ambassador of the Aloha Spirit                      ramp

      WAIKIKI BEACH CENTER Free evening Hawaiian concerts     ALOHA TOWER MARKETPLACE Landmark with waterfront
                                                              shopping & entertainment
      KUHIO BEACH, WAIKIKI 0’ - 10’ (0 - 3m) Beg.Excellent snorke-
      ling for beginners, tourists & children. Tropical fish. Moray eels in   HAWAII MARITIME CENTER Ancient & modern Hawaiian mari-
      breakwater                                              time & surfing history & the “Falls of Clyde” 4-masted schooner
      THE WALL,Bodysurfing break. Needs chest high to show
                                                              ‘IOLANI PALACE STATE MONUMENT Royal Palace of Hawai-
      CUNHA’S Easy lefts and faster inside rights outside     ian Monarchy Since 1882. Nat’l Historic Landmark. Tours. Friday
      PUBLICS Mostly bodyboarding. Long lefts, hollow at low tide. Best
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