Page 209 - Hawaii: Diving, Surfing, Pearl Harbor, Volcanoes and More
P. 209
KAKA’AKO WATERFRONT PARK Beach activities. Bodysurfing.
Promenade. Picnic. Amphitheater PU’U ‘UALAKA’A STATE WAYSIDE View of Diamond Head, Pearl
Harbor, Honolulu, & Manoa Valley. Picnicking. Hiking
MISSION HOUSES MUSEUM Original headquarters of Hawaii’s
first Christian mission (1821 to 1840). WA’AHILA RIDGE STATE RECREATION Area - Wildland. Star-
pine Forest. Picnicking. Views. Hiking
KEWALO BASIN Next to Ala Moana Beach Park. Promenade.
Trellised picnic Area. Showers TURTLE CANYON 30’ - 40’ Beg. - Int. Common boat dive site.
Calm, protected. Coral. Many friendly turtles. Moray eels. Octo-
SEA TIGER 80’ - 100’+ (24 - 30m+) Adv. Boat dive. Korean fishing puses. Moorish idols. Butterflyfish
boat sunk for reef in 1998. Lots of turtles. Tropical fish everywhere
CORSAIR 107’ (34m) Adv. Boat dive. 1946 Corsair airplane
YO-257 35’ - 100’ (20 - 30m) Int. - Adv. Atlantis Submarine Tour ditched due to running out of fuel. Sits on white sand at 107’
visits site. Scuba divers visit via boat. The YO-257 was a 1943 110’ (32m). Orange sponge on aft landing hook. Antler coral by cockpit
(33m) Navy oiler sunk for reef in 1989. Access holes cut in upright
ship. Moored descent lines. Reef fish inhabit. The “SAN PEDRO” SIX FINGERS 35 - 50’ (11 - 15m) Beg. -Adv. Boat or beach dive.
was sunk next to “YO-257” in 1996 Six lava fingers rise to 10’ (3m) high out of sand. Coral. All kinds of
reef fish. Invertebrates. ANGLEFISH REEF is just west. Known for
DIAMOND HEAD STATE MONUMENT Oahu’s most famous frogfish & corals
landmark. Steep trail inside crater to 760’ summit. Waikiki views
are fabulous. FANTASY REEF & KAHALA BARGE 50’ - 70’ (15 - 21m) Int. -
Adv. Reef is a boat dive inshore of Kahala Barge. Large reef. Lave
100’ HOLE 70’ - 90’ (21 - 27m) Int. - Adv Boat dive. Named by fingers undercut. Moray eels. Turtles. Whitetip reef sharks. Eagle
exagerating fishermen. Tumbled lava rocks form caves. Cauliflower rays. Manta rays. Barge is 200’ (60m) & upright. Sunk for reef. Cau-
coral. Crabs. Lobsters. Octopuses. Moray eels. Turtles. Whitetip tion: Sharp edges
reef sharks
YO-257 35’ - 100’ (20 - 30m) Int. - Adv. Atlantis Submarine Tour
SUICIDES Long lefts, short rights. Breaks all year. Caution: Coral visits site. Scuba divers visit via boat. The YO-257 was a 1943 110’
heads, pier pilings (33m) Navy oiler sunk for reef in 1989. Access holes cut in upright
ship. Moored descent lines. Reef fish inhabit. The “SAN PEDRO”
CLIFFS Below cliffs. Often blown out, but that makes it perfect for was sunk next to “YO-257” in 1996