Page 211 - Hawaii: Diving, Surfing, Pearl Harbor, Volcanoes and More
P. 211
DOMINIQUE’S WALL 35’ - 95’ (11 - 29m) Adv. Boat dive. Drift turns ocean swells into a spectacular natural geyser.
dive starts @ 95’ (29m), then goes W along wall near Portlock.
Large moray eels. Octopuses. Turtles. Palagics such as mahimahi SANDY BEACH 50’ - 90’ (15 - 27m) Int. - Adv. Boat dive only.
& yellowfin tuna. Ulua (jacks). Eagle rays. Caution: Current makes Offshore ledge. Caves. Drop-offs. Plentiful lemon butterflyfish. Par-
this a drift dive only rotfish. Moorish idols. Caution: Heavy surf common near shore
HANAUMA BAY STATE UNDERWATER PARK 0’ - 70’ (0 - 21m) SANDY BEACH Bodysurfing, bodyboarding, skim-boarding.
Beg. - Adv. Fabulously beautiful beach snorkeling. Calm ”Inner Pounding, neck-busting shorebreak. Best in Winter, but good all
Reef” depth is < 6’ (2m) with tame buttlerflyfish, sargeant majors, year with any S swell. Caution: Very advanced, tourists should stay
& parrotfish. ”Outer Reef” slopes to 70’ (21m) with coral gardens, out
turtles & all kinds of reef fish. “Witch’s Brew” @ SW Cornerhas
turbulent surge. “The Slot” is a passage thru inner barrier reef on MAKAPU’U LIGHTHOUSE Great hiking trails to spectacular
SW side of bay. Caution: Strong outflow current thru passages views
when returning to Inner Reef. Wonderful visitors center by parking
lot above bay SEA LIFE PARK Dolphin shows. Family fun. Dedicated to marine
conservation & education
HANAUMA BAY PINNACLE 20’ - 70’ (6 - 21m) Adv. Boat dive.
Side walls of pinnacle have sponges, seastars & nudibranchs. Sea MAKAPU’U BEACH0’ - 40’ (0 - 12m) Int.Beach Entry. Good
shells. Corals. Moorish idols. Whitetip reef sharks. Caution: Strong Night Dive. Sand & Coral. All Kinds of Reef Fish. Caution: Tidal
“Molokai Express” current Currents
LANA’I LOOKOUT 30’ - 90’+ (9 - 27m+) Int. - Adv. Boat entry
(some daring divers leap in off 5’ (1.5m) ledge). Deep dive. Reef
fish. Eagle rays. Whitetip reef sharks. Non-boaters exit toward
BLOWHOLE 10’ - 60’ (3 - 18m) Int. - Adv. When flat only, beach
or boat dive @ blowhole cove. Rocky. Coral patches. Lavender
octocorals. Sandy areas. Full of reef fish. Caution: “Molokai Ex-
press” current is strong in the Ka’iwi Channel. Surge & waves slam
undercut rock wall
HALONA BLOWHOLE - The “Peering Place” is a lava tube that