Page 204 - Hawaii: Diving, Surfing, Pearl Harbor, Volcanoes and More
P. 204
M. V MAHI 50’ - 92’ (15 - 28m) Int. - Adv. Popular boat dive 1 Mi. MAGIC ISLAND 0’ - 70’ (0 - 21m) Beg. - Int. Easy access makes site
(1.6 Km) off Ma’ali Pt.. 165’, 800-ton navy cable-layer sunken intact popular. Entry at sheltered beach & swim area of Magic Is. Cove at
in 1982. 90’ (27m) avg. depth. Sandy bottom’. Wheelhouse @ 60’ Ala Moana Beach Park. Rock bottom to 300’ (90m) from breakwa-
(18m). Sponges &corals encrust wreck. Puffers. Butterflyfish. Moray ter with small caves. Coral& sand beyond. Excellent for beginners.
eels. Lionfish. Turtles. Passing humpback whales in season. Resident Excellent snorkeling
eagle rays. Caution: Ship is too corroded to enter
YO-257 40’ - 100’ (12 - 30m) Int. - Adv. Boat dive. 1943 Navy oiler
ELECTRIC BEACH (KAHE PT.) 0’ - 30’ (0 - 9m) Beg. - Int. Usually sunk for reef in 1989. Access holes cut in upright ship. Moored de-
calm beach entry at Kahe Pt. Beach Park. White sand. Patches of scent lines. Reef fish inhabit. Moray eels. Green sea turtles. “Atlantis”
coral. Powerplant discharge forms artificial reef. Sea turtles. Moorish submarine tour visits site. The “SAN PEDRO” was sunk next to “YO-
idols. Butterflyfish. Eagle rays. Spinner dolphins. Excellent snorkeling 257” 1996
when calm Note: A 15’ (4.5m) female Tiger Shark frequents this area
DIAMOND HEAD STATE MONUMENT “Le’ahi” in Hawaiian, is
TECH REEF 10’ - 20’ (3 - 6m) Beg. Beach entry @ end of old sugar Hawaii’s most famous landmark. It is a 100,000 year-old volcanic tuff
cane railroad past campsites. Shallow. Great snorkeling . Much cau- cone.
liflower coral. Tiger cowries. Baby turtles. Baby Whitetip reef sharks.
Many small fish HANAUMA BAY STATE UNDERWATER PARK Fabulouslybeauti-
ful beach with calm ”Inner Reef” with tame tropical fish. ”Outer
PINNACLE 10’ - 40’ (3 - 12m) Beg. - Int. Boat or beach dive to row Reef” slopes to 70’ with coral gardens, green sea turtles, & reef fish.
of big columns of an old dock. All kinds of fish. Some sharks. Cau- On the bluff above the bay there is a great new visitors center to edu-
tion: Currents cate visitors about reef life.
PEARL HARBOR Home of the U.S. Navy in Hawaii. The USS ARI- NU’UANU PALI LOOKOUT Site where King Kamehameha defeated
ZONA MEMORIAL honors over 1100 men who died aboard the Oahu Chief Kalanikupuli, forcing the opponents off the cliff, begin-
ship in the infamous attack on Pearl Harboron December 7, 1941, ning the uniting of the Hawaiian Islands
which drew the U.S. into World War II.
MOKOLEA 35’ - 70’ (11 - 21m) Int. - Adv.Boat dive. Excellent coral.
“POINT PANIC” West of Ala Moana Park - body surfing only on Many reef fish. Whitetip reef sharks. Caution: “MolokaiExpress” cur-
beautiful right barrel when surf is over chest high rent
ALA MOANA BEACH Best surf on south shore of Oahu