Page 17 - Melanesia
P. 17

General Information                                                              The eBooks contain
                                                                                   links to the 3DAVI
From its lush tropical landscapes, towering                                        Explore the Sea
mountains, diverse cultural mix, volcanoes,                                        module of over 400
scuba diving, large lelagics and world re-                                         web pages that
nowned surfing; Fiji is a true paradise.                                           describes Coral,
                                                                                   Sponges and Sea

T oday, the main sources                     called it Fisi, and it was by this    a stronger connection to the
     of foreign exchange are                 foreign pronunciation, Fiji, first    older Polynesian cultures.
its tourist industry and sugar               promulgated by Captain James
exports. The country’s currency              Cook, that these islands are          A cross 1,000 kilometres
is the Fijian dollar. Fijians first          now known. Pottery art from                 (620 mi) from east to
impressed themselves on Eu-                  Fijian towns shows that Fiji          west, Fiji has been a nation
ropean consciousness through                 was settled before or around          of many languages. Fiji’s his-
the writings of the members                  3500 to 1000 BC, although the         tory was one of settlement
of the expeditions of Captain                question of Pacific migration         but also of mobility. Over
James Cook who met them in                   still lingers. The first settlements  the centuries, a unique Fijian
Tonga. They were described as                in Fiji were started by voyaging      culture developed. Constant
formidable warriors and fero-                traders and settlers from the         warfare and cannibalism
cious cannibals, builders of the             west about 5000 years ago. As-        between warring tribes were
finest vessels in the Pacific, but           pects of Fijian culture are similar   quite rampant and very
not great sailors. They called               to the Melanesian culture of          much part of everyday life.
their home Viti, but the Tongans             the western Pacific but have
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