Page 19 - Melanesia
P. 19

History of Fiji

D uring the 19th century, Ratu Udre Udre        port the structure, and “men were sacrificed     The Dutch explorer Abel Tasman visited Fiji
      is said to have consumed 872 people       whenever posts had to be renewed” Fijians        in 1643 while looking for the Great Southern
and to have made a pile of stones to record     today regard those times as “na gauna ni         Continent. Europeans settled on the islands
his achievement. The chief’s house or the       tevoro” (time of the devil). The ferocity of     permanently beginning in the 19th cen-
priest’s temple would have sacrificed bodies    the cannibal lifestyle deterred European         tury. The first European settlers to Fiji were
buried underneath them, with the ration-        sailors from going near Fijian waters, giving    beachcombers, missionaries, whalers, and
ale that the spirit of the ritually sacrificed  Fiji the name Cannibal Isles; as a result, Fiji  traders
person would invoke the gods to help sup-       remained unknown to the rest of the world.
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